Hello lovelies!
Been awhile since I popped on here. As you all know my last post was about me saying goodbye to my ttc journey, saying goodbye to IVF, and saying goodbye to my last frostie as my partner and I had broke up. I also told you I had met someone new, was madly in love etc. Well that still remains and well obviously you can see from my picture a big WTF??!!!! 😱😱
I've been feeling unwell last few days, nauseous, tired, sleepy etc. Was starting to think I had this dreaded covid 19! No way did pregnancy dawn on me at all. But for shits and giggles I had some ovulation strips left over in my drawer from ages ago and I know they can give positive pregnancy tests and was thinking wait my period is late I think? And there was 2 lines...and thought no way I'm ovulating if I was that means my period was 2 weeks ago and I knew it wasnt. Went to pharmacy and only tests they had available because we are in a complete lockdown in NZ were these, wish they had the weeks indicator. So this all feels like a big joke right now, how is this possible after the years of IVF etc. Have a phone consult with my doctor tomorrow as because of complete lockdown due to covid 19 they not taking patients, have no idea how far along I would be I stopped tracking my period months ago cant even remember my last period! Im thinking mid February? Like 17th to 20 something? I dont even know! This is all a big shock, just started taking folic acid today, and been having a sharp pain in my left hand side now and then so now thinking probably ectopic as would be just my luck! 🙃
Anyways I hope you are all well, i havent been following the site much so I must catch up. But thought I'd pop on and share this crazy news! I have also lost 20kgs since this time last year and wondering if that played a part? But I'm feeling very confused and seems surreal, especially with my 40th bday just 17 days away. and yep New Zealand is in a complete lockdown so stuck inside with all these thoughts is going to be super awesome...not! Lol.
Sending love and light to all you lovely humans ❤