With waiting for my period which I do really hope come soon. Any had the virus effect their treatment?
Corona virus : With waiting for my... - Fertility Network UK
Corona virus

Me too 😓it’s already two days late
Me to, I’m hoping it won’t have any delay as I’m doing the egg sharing program 😪😢
I’m in the same position but really worrying whether we’ll be able to go ahead or not xx
Its extra worry we don't need but really don't want to keep waiting either
Exactly if I don’t hear from my clinic tomorrow I’m going to ring them and ask what the chances of it going ahead are xx
I just started my first cycle on Thursday - clinic was fairly relaxed about Coronavirus and did not expect any impact in the next few weeks but I am considering doing a freeze all in the circumstances (if I get anything to freeze of course!)
I’m trying to decide whether to start our 2nd cycle of IVF now (period due at the end of March) or hold off for a bit! Such a difficult time
Due to start first IVF in a week and a half. I am going for a mock transfer on Wednesday so plan to chat to the hospital then about what they advise. Reading about all non essential operations potentially being postponed has worried me a bit...
Hello, my clinic is currently not prescribing steroids due to Covid 19.
Clinic not starting any treatments, have said I got to phone in 4 weeks but what's the point as corona virus ain't just gonna disappear in 4 weeks so now for another wait feel like crying