Morning all really need some advice! We are getting married in April next year and honeymooning in cancun mexico, we were going to start ivf straight after but have just discovered about the Zika virus, cancun is a ‘moderate risk’ shall I change destination? How long do we have to wait? Help!!x
Honeymoon in Mexico, Zika virus?! - Fertility Network UK
Honeymoon in Mexico, Zika virus?!

6 months now!! It changed i November last year from 2 months.
You will have to wait 6 months following going anywhere at risk for the woman it’s 3 months but the man it’s 6 so I would call your clinic and confirm
Hi Samme, I would speak to your clinic as I think it will be them that have their own guidelines around this. Our NHS clinic had something up on the wall when it first came out and Im sure it was 6 months if infected but I cant be sure.....long time ago! Having said that I'm just back from Aruba and they have the warning but I took precautions, wore Avon's skin so soft as aftersun (meant to be good for bugs) and also a spray that had high volume of Deet in it. Doesnt smell very nice but worth it not be bitten.xx
If you can then it would make it easier. We were just on the borderline between the change in regulation and it meant my husbands sperm was frozen. (He travels to Zika countries).
Thanks guys xx
If I was you I would change destination.....but your clinic will advise you. Hope you can get some more information from them
My son and daughter in law had this problem. We paid for a test which came back in 4 days but it was £175 but well worth it xx
I would think about changing. From what I understand the you would need to wait 6 months for hubby. We went to Sri Lanka in April this year as it is Zika free. It was amazing x
Your clinic might not let you start for six months after visiting a zika area so you really should get advice from them. Personally I would change my honeymoon destination- I wouldn’t want to risk zika
I would change destination I know it limits choices as Zika is pretty widespread but why take the chance. Talk to your clinic lm sure they get asked about Zika alot. Congrats on your upcoming wedding. 😊
Yeah looks like I’m
GnA have too. Problem is we get married April so not many places are hot that time of year :(!,
Mauritius is beautiful and zika free. Plus, we got pregnant there while waiting for our first IVF cycle, and a friend of mine fell pregnant there after 9 failed cycles, both natural cycles with a little help from some hormones! But we agree it's magical island! X

I looked online and it said it has Zika?x
It was most definitely zika free when we went in December, and I think the beach areas claim to be mosquito free. It's also malaria free as a country. We didn't see a single mosquito and I normally attract them in their thousands! X

Iv just had another look and it is Zika free, would the clinic touch us though if we go there x
Hi. We are in the same boat we were due to go to maldives in oct but we were told we would have to wait 6 months after we came back pushing us back a total of 10 months so we have cancelled and had all our money back with exception of deposit, and have now booked an EU honeymoon! We just knew it was to much of a risk, and hopefully we an go there some other time! I asked for advice here and in my heart we knew we had to cancel! Good luck xxxx