Hi All...
Little update. I started my injections etc, all went well considering, I felt soooo poorly and have been going dizzy at the morning injection quite alot. I had my baseline scan yesterday am to check follicles, there were so many. Some sizing 21.5. There were 18 counted which excluded any under 10. I was so super happy. Then she said the dreaded - You have boarderline OHSS, so we may have to do a collect and freeze for 2-3 months. I was devastated, I got sent home with an emergency alternative trigger and awaited the call.
I feel so lucky that I got the call and they have decided to go ahead with the original plan, as i am boarderline, they have weighed everything up, and so last night 'I PULLED THE TRIGGER' 10:30pm.
Booked in for egg collection tomorrow at 10:30am! Yey!
The bad news is, tomorrow if they monitor me and they believe its best, they would still do collect and freeze instead.
Please please please everyone keep everything crossed for me xxxx
Good luck to anyone else at these sorts of stages, I wish you the very best of luck!