Egg collection is scheduled for Monday! Work has been a great distraction this week as it just flown! Can’t believe after 14 months of waiting to begin treatment on top of the 18months of TTC we are at this point!
I can’t remember how many exactly but they were looking “nice” and “juicy” and were ready.
Got to take my trigger shot tonight- my stomach is like a balloon.
I already feel pregnant- it’s such a weird feeling.
I’ve been tired, unable sleep, headaches, constipated, bloated and have really bad piles too 😢.
The nurse said that I was feeling that way because my follicles were ready.
I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself but yesterday was the first time I actually felt excited.
I said to my Nan- I’m just seeing it as a long weekend 😂. I’ve told work I won’t be in until Wednesday but they said not to worry. That I need to take as much time as I need.
They also have said I can take time to rest once it’s been transferred back in, it that happens, but I just think I’ve enjoyed being at work this week as I’ve had a focus. My mum thinks I should in her words take some time to “chill” but I will see.
Will keep you updated 🥚