PCOS - Infolic : Hi everyone, We had... - Fertility Network UK

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PCOS - Infolic

Lavander29 profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone,

We had our romantic fertility appointment on Valentine's day, where I learnt that I do infact have PCOS. This was discovered during an internal exam a few months ago.

Our consoltant has suggested that I take Infolic to help improve my PCOS. I just wanted to know if anyone else takes this? And if so have they found any improvement?

She also suggested that we both start taking Proxeed instead of the wellman / pregnecare we are currently on. We are reluctant to change as they are £40 a month each, on top of the £30 a month for infolic. Also my OHs sperm count, motility & morphology has actually improved alot on the wellman supplements, so we are torn.

Can anyone offer any advice?

Sending you all so much love and positivity. Xx

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9 Replies
Chloettc2020 profile image

I started off with just myo-inositol & pregnacare. I actually became pregnant naturally. I’m now taking Inofolic (still pregnancare) and some other supplements in preparation for my first round of IVF. The Inofolic has definitely helped my cycles. My partner was also recommended to take Proxeed due to low morphology. Only time will tell if this has helped! Good luck with everything!


Lavander29 profile image
Lavander29 in reply to Chloettc2020

Thank you for the reply!

I was really shocked to be told I had PCOS to be honest as I've always had really regular periods. But I do suffer from hair loss 💔 which is so horrible at 29. I'm hoping the Infolic may help with that? As well as egg quality?

Wishing you luck on your first round of IVF! I have to lose 10 pounds before we are allowed to be put on the waiting list. Feel like it's all up to me now.

Lots of love xx

Chloettc2020 profile image
Chloettc2020 in reply to Lavander29

I’ve never suffered with hair loss but I guess if it helps with a lot of PCOS problems it might help with that!

Have a read of It Starts With the Egg. This helped me with what supplements to take & lots of other small changes you can make which may help!

Lots of love & luck xx

Lavander29 profile image
Lavander29 in reply to Chloettc2020

The hair loss is mortifying.

I have patches of alopecia that my hair dresser found last time I went. I've also got very thin hair anyway 😥

Thank you for the book recommendation, I'll have a look into it. Sending lots of love xx

Ginny27 profile image

Hi Lavender,

It sounds like our situations are similar, I was diagnosed with PCOS, but then told I have the cysts, but not the syndrome, all so confusing!

Anyway, my husband has azoospermia and is taking Proxeed. When I first saw the price I couldn't believe it, and questioned whether we should pay, but since the consultant advised it (and we'd do anything!), he's been taking it. We've not had his sperm extraction yet so I don't know if it's made any difference, but I guess mentally it feels like we are doing something. I hope that's helpful. xx

Lavander29 profile image
Lavander29 in reply to Ginny27

Yes we were really torn on what to do about the Proxeed as my OH had his sperm re tested after 6 weeks on well man, and his count had doubled and the morphology and motility both also improved which was incredible. So we know what he's on is working.

If we change and the Proxeed doesn't work as well we've wasted £40 each month. Tricky to know what to do.

We also felt really odd about it as the consultant got the business card for Proxeed out of her bag and it felt a little like she was just being paid to advertise it 🙈 but I also want to do whatever is best!!

When I went for my scan and was told I had polycystic ovaries I did lots of research and it was only then I found out there was a difference between PCO and PCOS. I then had a conversation with my GP as the wait to see the consultant was sooo long. And she said it was PCO as my blood tests were showing as normal. Then we finally got to see the consultant and she said it was PCOS.

All very confusing!

Wishing you lots of luck and sending lots of love xx

hrich92 profile image

I’ve been taking Inofolic twice a day for a month now and this month was the first month I had a positive ovulation test. I didn’t have EWCM so could have been a false positive? Not sure.. but I did have a very sharp pain in me left ovary side at 2pm which prompted me to test when I got home from work at 6 and it was positive. I also had a positive the next day and a negative the day after so I’m taking it as a good sign

hrich92 profile image
hrich92 in reply to hrich92

Also, my doctor told me to follow a Mediterranean diet and take omega 3 supplements on top of eating oily fish 3 times a week so maybe it’s all those things combined

Lavander29 profile image
Lavander29 in reply to hrich92

Thanks for the reply ☺

How exciting that you are now ovulating!

From my blood tests before I was diagnosed with PCOS I was told I do ovulate, and I decided to start tracking this last month. I was Hoping that Infolic may help us get pregnant naturally 🤷‍♀️

But my OH still has issues with his sperm so I don't know how likely it is. We have been trying for 2 years and no luck so far.

I was told to follow the low GI diet - which seems complicated and I find myself checking the GI of everything 🙈 but for now I am just eating everything natural- nothing processed. Only wholewheat, no white bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. No alcohol, bo caffeine, and very minimal dairy. Seems to be working as I've lost 9 pounds so far 👍

We also take the omega 3 each day, as well as COQ10 that was recommend by the book - it starts with the egg.

I wish you lots of luck on your journey!

Thanks for reaching our xx

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