I’ve been awake all night til after 3am then awake from 6.30, don’t know why anxiety has chosen to hit me right now.
We just used up my last donor egg embryo and it failed with a chemical. We got 2 embryos 5Bb and 4 CB from my friends eggs.
I’ve done every test under the sun now and have had 4 miscarriages between 5.5 and 6.5 weeks plus COUNTLESS chemicals including this last transfer. Every time an embryo fails in me I get this weird extra crampy feeling and excessive heat radiate from my abdomen and thighs for a couple of hours and sure enough the next day tests are lighter or blank. It feels almost like an allergic reaction inside my uterus. We have tested for nk cells which were low and cytokines which were also low. Tested all sorts, hidden infection, all clear, two hysteroscopies both normal.
The only other thing is my hubbys last sperm DNA fragmentation test was really poor and while we have booked a specialist to look at that, I can’t see that it will help as he already does take loads of supplements including antioxidants and doesn’t drink much alcohol. Wears cotton boxers. He’s had a full month free of booze.
I really think it’s time for surrogacy with embryos from my sisters eggs, but it’s niggling at me that hubbys sperm may continue to make future rounds fail.
No wonder I’m having anxiety. Just so desperate now.