I just wanted to ask if I'm taking alot of Progesterone could I still come on my period so soon after FET? 2 pressaries and 1 Lubion per day. I feel like I'm about to get my period any day now .. not just because of the slight period cramps but mainly my mood. I'm very emotional, moody, few spots and my hair has become greasy very quickly 🙈 all the signs my period is coming 😔
4dpt feel like I'm coming on period 😥 - Fertility Network UK
4dpt feel like I'm coming on period 😥

I know it’s easier said than done but try to relax and the body has an amazing way of making us feel different things and remember this all could be good signs so keep positive xxx ❤️

Ok thank you Elle ♥️💫
I feel like that and I haven’t made it to transfer day. 🤣😣I’ve read my progesterone gel leaflet and it pretty much states side effects that sound like period etc plus anxiety and depression are listed. I’d say it could very well be the progesterone affecting your mood. You’re on lots to stop it from coming so hopefully not 🙏🏻🤞🏻💐💐💐
Also remember , you’re full of hormones and going through ivf .... THEE most stressful time and thing EVER! Don’t be too hard on yourself. It may also be due to other things going on in your body 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 I’m praying it’s all good reasons 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💐💐💐💐💐💐
When are you allowed to test?
Hugs this day dear Littlepeax
Rhinocat x
Hi Littlepeax,
I’m on the same amount of progesterone as you, previously only ever been on pessaries and I felt exactly like this! I honestly think it’s just the progesterone making you feel that way, I still feel a little crampy but the rest of the symptoms seem to have eased, maybe just getting used to it?! 😂
Hope it subsided for you soon xx
Thanks Kibo, my husband thinks progesterone too but I've been on it for a while and it's only starting to effect me now? Was you very emotional with greasy hair too 🤣🙈 headache as well xxx
All possible side effects of the medication or being pregnant. Like already said try to relax and hopefully you will get your positive soon 😘 xxxx
I was convinced everyday that my period was going to arrive after my FET. I had all my usual symptoms. I felt run down and had cramps and a bit bloated / sick and that’s exactly how I feel before my period starts. But it didn’t arrive and I’m now 17 weeks pregnant so try and stay positive!!
Nope don’t you even think like that!!! Forget period as you are not getting any of that in the next at least 8 months! 😸
Also you shouldn’t start period while on progesterone anyway.
All you feel right now is because of the meds hun! I’m on 2 pressaries a day and 2 Lubion and I feel like 💩💩💩 but nothing to do. So sit back, relax and get rid of all negative thoughts please! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way xxxx
🤣 haha ok, you're so lovely thank you ♥️💫 I'm going shopping today to take my mind off everything. Hope you feel a little better too Xxx
I’m doing the same. Meeting a friend at 2 cause I’m driving myself mad already. Hubby made me promise I won’t test before Tuesday and this time we will do it together so next few days will be a torture 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ah I felt like that and I was so snappy and grumpy! Currently 12 weeks pregnant so it doesn't mean anything! Try not to read too much into symptoms as the meds cause all sorts of weird side effects (as does being pregnant) xx
I experienced very mild cramps and bled very faintly at the time my period was due even though I got a positive pregnancy test result. Sometimes I think the body takes a while to change gears. Hopefully this is what you’re experiencing...x
Hey! I was so so so insistent I was going to come on my period, so much so I was sobbing taking my test as I didn’t want to confirm my worst nightmare. I had bad period pains, greasy hair, etc. You REALLY REALLY can’t tell! ❤️