Hi, so Iv been taking meriofert for the past week, had my 1st scan on Thursday and follicles are developing well with 4 in each ovary varying from 8-12cm. All fine, I go back Monday for bed scan and to get date for collection. Starting to get aching crampy pains in my stomach. Is this normal?
Crampy pains during follicle growth - Fertility Network UK
Crampy pains during follicle growth

Completely normal. In fact, it's a good sign that you are responding to treatment. Nice number of follicles! All the best for your cycle xx
Thanks for your reply! Any advice for the collection and transfer, I’m so nervous 😬
I was a nervous wreck for collection because we were prepared by our consultant that there may be no eggs so I didn't even give the pain a second thought as all my nerves were on waiting to hear how many we got!
Honestly I would visualise what it is all for and keep that in your head throughout. Best of luck. It's honestly not as bad as you tiink it will be xx
Thank you for your reply, it really helps to hear that we all going through this similar experience. How big do they like follicles to reach before they collect? Probably being silly but I’m also worried that wen I go I will have already ovulated 😢
I think it depends on how they are doing but anything from 15mm-23mm. I can't remember what mine were but don't worry... They won't let that happen. I've never heard of anyone ovulating on treatment - that's why you have your trigger and your nasal spray suppresses your body's natural attempts to make you ovulate until you artificially do with the trigger.
And nothing is silly with IVF. My head was spinning with all sorts of questions and concerns. Drop me a private message if you want to ask anything!! 😃
Yes I remember this well! You sound like you're responding to the stimulation. A few days before collection I just knew that I was ready, and needed to get these things out of me lol! Had bloating and cramping.
Sounds like you'll have a decent number of follicles, 🤞 for eggs x
Yes, it's normal. I started to get pains a week into stimulation as well, I was also very bloated. By egg collection I was finding it difficult to bend over and sometimes walk...I had a lot of follicles grow so it was a good thing!
I was very nervous about egg collection too, but it all went fine, the sedation completely knocked me out so don't remember anything. I was sore after though, a mix of the procedure, my swollen ovaries and the bloating. The day before transfer I finally felt more normal so that was handy. My transfer was very straight forward, no pain...just a bit exposing!
You have a good number of follicles, good luck to you. I hope all goes well x
No problem, I have found this site so helpful that i try to answer questions now I have been though the process!
My clinic said they like follicles to be above 17/ 18 at trigger injection. I had 6 follicles between 17 and 21 on day 12 of stims and I did my trigger injection that night. By egg collection on day 14 I had 12 eggs collected.
I was also so worried I would ovulate early! I asked my doctor how often it happens she said in a year one patient will ovulate early...she must see a lot of patients over a year so odds are very, very small. I read a journal artical about it and found you ovulate 36-37 hours after trigger, i.e. the eggs detach from your ovaries but the eggs hang about in your ovaries for about 3/4 hours floating about which is how they suck them out! Kinda interesting!