Cue anxiety levels creeping in and the fear of a sleepless night. Answer.... in a hot candlelit bath while I can. Getting my stuff together for the morning we are in at 9.00am for a 9.30 transfer. Just remembered the piece about a full bladder... oh man! It’s not like I haven’t done before after 3IUI but I Realise this time around the ultrasound pressure may be more uncomfortable and I have a weak bladder 😳
Anyhoo... what to feel! Who knows I know tomorrow will be an anticlimax as over in 10 means but as with each step recently I shall celebrate the small things... 🤞🏻 our frostie thaws ok and then the transfer goes ok. Then what will he will be.... wishing you all lots of luck. Trying not to feel this 2WW is so much bigger than before! Xx