Hey guys
I’m pleased to say tomorrow we would have finally made it 12weeks🤭😊🥳 No scan until 13weeks so I’m still not getting excited just yet.
Anyone else got to this stage and sick to death of taking medications....😭 i no longer recognise myself in the mirror, my face has blown up, my usual size 8 body is now a full size 12....
I know this is all apart of the process so I’m not complaining really.... im just fed up of injecting myself... 💉poping pills 💊 and finding it so difficult to continue with this secret as I do look very pregnant.
My last conversation with my consultant he said... continue until 12 weeks... I told him my scan is not until 13 weeks... he said continue until them. And that was that....
Just wondering how anyone taking steroids ‘25mg prednisolone’ came off of them.
Did you wean? Or just stop?
I have always thought it to be dangerous to just stop a medication my body has depended on.
Sooooo I am Thinking to drop 5mg every other day which would take me down to 5mg on the actual scan day.... as I don’t want to be on them in my 14th week 😩😬
Also Did you just stop taking progesterone injections or drop dosage over time before finally stopping?
I am still injecting two vials per day.
I Haven’t spoken to my clinic since they messed up with the letter they wrote breaching another patients confidentiality... and I guess they were glad to see the back of me lol....
I probably should just call to ask to be sure but just wanted to know what you ladies done...
Thnx in advance...
Fingers crossed I’ll have some good news to share next week following my scan x