Hi, yesterday I had the news I have been waiting for, finally a BFP after my 7th transfer (my first BFP in almost 3 years which ended in miscarriage). Whilst I am over the moon, I am also filled with fear. I have no more BETA tests booked in so next step is viability scan in 3 weeks.
This morning I was told to stop taking Prednisolone as it was only prescribed up to the pregnancy blood test. I’ve stupidly been googling and am now worried that they’ve told me to stop, I didn’t think to question it at the time as my head is a bit all over the place today. I know they are the medical professionals and know what they are doing but just looking to see if anyone else stopped Prednisolone as soon as they got their positive result. My dosage was very low, 5mg twice in morning & evening for 4 days starting on day zero (before FET) then reduced to 5mg once in morning & evening until pregnancy test. X