Just starting my ivf treatment any tips for me
Ivf tips: Just starting my ivf... - Fertility Network UK
Ivf tips

Hi there, wanted to wish you the very best of luck. I’d say try to take each step a day at a time. You’ll have a rollercoaster of good and bad days but I’m sure it’ll all be worth it in the end ❤️
I’d recommend the following:
Book: ‘It’s starts with the egg’
Book: ‘Dare to Dream’ Izzy Judd
Podcast: ‘Lets talk fertility’ Izzy Judd
Podcast: ‘BFN’
Hello I can't give you any advice, but I can give you lots of love and wishes for good results. I'm looking around about ivf since I am seriously considering it. TTC 2 years but they all say I am young to worry (I'm 27). It's just that a friend got their baby through IVF. May I know why you are having your treatment?
Ttc for 3years now and am 29,my doctor suggested it since there wasn't any problem with our series of test
Hi Emp2222,
I’ve had 2 rounds and I got my BFP!
What I found really helpful the second time was just relaxing as much as possible. I didn’t panic If my injection was 10 mins late if I was out etc.
I also don’t recommend changing your diet during ivf. Obviously eat better food, but don’t drastically start changing things as your body will get confused.
Good luck Hun! Here’s to your BFP ❤️
100% agree! My diet wasnt this time around, but being a lot more relaxed was great, really helped. Xx
Congratulations! May I know what sort of ivf your had?
I had the short protocol both times.
The one resulted in BFP:
Down reg with progynova
meriofert and fermydal
Took q10 tablets 600g before starting and then after egg collection.
Hope this helps x
I would say first and foremost it’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions so always remember to be kind to yourself. One thing I wish I knew to begin with is to take vitamins and supplements. My clinic suggested taking proxeed, coq10, dhea and healthy diets. Good luck with your journey xx
Like the others say do a few things to help you, but don't go crazy e.g. some supplements and look after yourself, do things that are good for the soul, walks, good food, good funny TV shows, be around friends who can support you and avoid the ones who can't ! Good luck XXX
Hi. I have just had my first consultation yesterday and next one booked for 3 weeks time. Things going great and moving smoothly. I am a step behind you i guess so any hints and tips you can pass on would be greatly appreciated. If you haven't already got one i would highly recommend an IVF diary / journal to log everything. I have been adding throughout the past 3 years since we started trying for a family and looking back on it all and what you have done really is amazing. Our tests started over a a year ago, hospital referral in Jan 2019, IVF referral August 2019 it includes photographs and all our letters. It really is amazing. Our next appointment is booked and im so excited. I wish you all the luck on your IVF journey. I am looking forward positively and taking each day as it comes 😊
I never thought of a diary but I think I need one. Already started with my injections. Wishing you luck in your jny as well
I started mine when we began tests just over a year ago. It is so nice to look back on the experience and reminds you what you have been through. I include my thoughts photographs letters when im happy and positive when im sad and worried. It really helps me. Plus it is something you can keep forever once you have your own little family 😊 Good luck on your journey x
the diary is a great idea! I think I will do the same So you had your ivf through NHS?
It really is. It helps me alot. 😊 I am going through NHS at the moment. I was refered by Blackpool Victoria Hospital and referred to Liverpool Hewitt. Seems really good and positive so far. Looking forward to our next appointment in a couple of weeks 😊
Hi I am at Liverpool Hewitt too I have an appointment with the nurse and start my medication next Tuesday on October 1st for my first round of IVF. What stage are you upto? Clare x
Hi we just had our first referral meeting last week with one final blood test then we have our next appointment booked in a couple of weeks to discuss those test results and plan the next stages. Last week we were told it would be straight to IVF as over the last 3 years we have been trying and over the last 13 months we have had every test going. So we have done most it it before being referred. Im not entirely sure what to expect on the next appointment but im very excited ☺ Good luck with your journey.
Wait did you say it took you a year of tests? waaah! It really takes that long?
No tips apart from to try and take things one step at a time. Apart from that just eat healthily, drink lots of water and try to do things that help you relax through the process and take your mind off things....lots of fresh air walks, box sets etc. Good luck.xx
Ah good luck! It can feel very overwhelming, so take it one step at a time and try not to jump ahead in your mind and think about the outcome, as it just puts pressure on yourself. I got pregnant on 2nd FET and on that cycle I did reflexology with a fertility specialist which really worked for me. Xx
Just wanted to wish you luck & every success. The ladies have already given you all the wisdom. The key is to look after the emotional you, be kind to yourself, keep your mind positive & happy. Most importantly find the activities and people that will help you do just that. For me, it was yoga & meditation. I bought Zita West’s positive visualisations for IVF on iTunes. I also did acupuncture alongside my IVF cycles. Don’t be afraid to put you first. Everything crossed for you Xx
Good luck. We’ve just finished our first cycle.
I would say take it a day at a time. Look after yourself - don’t drastically change your diet but don’t survive on junk food. Drink lots of water. Not much caffeine (1 cup a day). I was told to drink a pint of full fat milk a day 🤢 so I had that with chocolate
Gentle exercise only - walking, nothing too energetic!!
I felt tired quite a lot and I had the boobs of a porn star, they were impressive 😂😂🙈
I found it helped me to understand everything that was happening in the process... the injections, egg retrieval etc but try not to obsess. I was worried about egg retrieval but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
Finally try to avoid testing early as it’s just a mind game!!! And once they are transferred back in you are in the hands of the gods, nothing you can do can change the outcome.
Hello dear just wondering how you are getting along with your ivf journey. Just keep on hopping to our forums here - lots of ladies willing to help. I had a long and trying journey too but don't give up.
Hi girl! How have you been? May I know what sort of ivf treatment you are gunning for?