How to cope with anxiety before 7 wee... - Fertility Network UK

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How to cope with anxiety before 7 week scan

chickp profile image
11 Replies

Does anyone have any tips, advice or words of wisdom to get me through the next week until our scan?

We actually had one at 5+6 after some cramping and saw a heartbeat but I’m just terrified something will have gone wrong in between. I’ve had plenty of symptoms and currently have the worst cold I think I’ve ever experienced and my husband and mum keep telling me these are good signs but I think I’ve spent too long on these forums during our 4.5 year journey and know only too well it can still be taken away. We had a miscarriage in January and I just can’t quite believe this is going to work for us 🙁

Why is everyone else so sure when I’m not?

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chickp profile image
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11 Replies
Kitcat12 profile image

Oh bless you, I wish I could say it gets easier but it honestly doesn't. I'm almost 18 weeks and I'm still convinced something is bound to go wrong. The only thing that's helped me is the knowledge that if something is going to go wrong, worrying about it isn't going to change the outcome. I just try to enjoy each day of this wonderful experience and count myself lucky for getting to each milestone. Congratulations on your pregnancy x

chickp profile image
chickp in reply to Kitcat12

Thank you. I just with I could enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to be able to. When I tried to explain the risk of mmc to my mum today she said it’s because I’m a ‘glass half empty’ person. 🤬

Congratulations on getting so far - have you managed to relax at all? Xxx

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to chickp

Thank you, yes a little! I had a lot of bleeding at the beginning from a haematoma so that made it difficult to relax as I kept needing to go for emergency scans. I also think when we've had struggles with fertility our babies are just extra precious so we worry even more. But as things have progressed and I've got my bump I've really started to enjoy the feeling, I hope you will as well! x

I think it comes down to that mindfullness thing of letting bad things float into your head and being okay with them there , acknowledging them and letting them pass by so they don't stop and imbed and rule you. I know it seems impossible but it is a choice we have, and of course it takes practice to shift. I think about miscarriage an awful lot but I just say okay I know your a thing that's hanging over me but you can float off into another space right now, I'm going to let that worry pass me by and right now I'm going to hang on to hope and be happy there's a little baby growing in me.

Also I've had many many hours of therapy to get here...we did multiple sessions on hope...

Don't be hard yourself either.


chickp profile image
chickp in reply to

Thank you for that. How did you find a good therapist? I was having counselling before but didn’t really get on with her so stopped. I keep thinking I wish I could discuss this with someone x

Kiedy84 profile image

Hi hun, I also a very anxious mama, I think my advice would be to think just that that you are a mummy already and your baby is inside and he/she deserves to be celebrated every day after this whole crazy journey he/she has been on already. I literally took it day by day and I always tried and still try to think this way.

Everything is fine until it's proven it's not and until then we need to be happy and celebrate this miracle. Does this make sense?😘

Also find something good on Netflix 😃

Muppetgirl profile image

Sending you lots of calmness. I struggled with believing I was pregnant as had no symptons. I held my breathe before each scan and cried buckets. Believe it.

Find a statistics chart where the percentages rise with each week and scan etc. That gave me comfort. Congrats. Looking forward to hearing about heart beat.

Scarlett13 profile image

Congrats on your pregnancy! I too had a miscarriage before my pregnancy and I think that makes the anxiety understandably worse. I was a nervous wreck having my first scan at 7 weeks! But I’m now 12. I’m starting to relax. I think in a week when you see your baby again you’ll be able to cope a lot better. Xxx

Helpamumma profile image

I am 5w1d and I am a ball of anxious nerves after a miscarriage earlier this year.

To be honest I don’t think you will find a magic solution to your anxiety because it’s completely justified and normal and in my opinion it’s better to acknowledge the feelings then use way more energy trying to fight them.

Best advice I can offer is to keep yourself distracted while you wait and send love to your growing baby x good luck


You're not alone. I had a scan at 6 weeks and also saw a heartbeat but it was hard for me to enjoy the pregnancy because I was anxious and terrified that something bad would happen. I guess it was normal after having 4 losses.

I'm 15 weeks pregnant (a big milestone for us) but I still have the feeling that something bad will happen. I had a few episodes of bleeding and spotting among other problems, so I guess this has increased my anxiety levels.

After the nucal transparency scan and having the results of the harmony test about a week ago I can say I'm a little bit more relaxed and I've been able to enjoy this marvelous experience.

So my advice is to enjoy each day of your journey even with all the anxiety. It is common for the immune system to weaken while you are pregnant, which makes you more susceptible to getting sick. So don't be surprised with your cold.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Hope everything goes well!


Sarahmanc profile image

I was totally like this before our early scan but sometimes you just have to believe that this is your time and it’s all going to work out xx

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