So I am on day 9 of menopur and day 6 of Fyremadel... I had a scan yesterday and they have told me that I am scheduled for my egg retrieval on Tuesday morning...
this is my first cycle of ivf so this is all new to me... they have instructed me to take 1ml of Suprecur on Sunday night at 7pm and this will have me ready for egg retrieval on Tuesday morning at 7.30am...
the only thing is... I was expecting to have to take Ovitrelle as it’s been sitting in my fridge... however they never mentioned it at the clinic? Is this normal? Should I call and double check or is this ok? I am having to have a frozen transfer later on (hopefully- all going well) as I am at risk of ovarian Hyperstimulation...
I don’t want to ring the emergency line if I don’t need to as i have the instructions and it definitely only says suprecur... am I overthinking?