5 days 10 hours 49 minutes & 39 secon... - Fertility Network UK

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5 days 10 hours 49 minutes & 39 seconds until OTD... not like I'm counting or anything🤦‍♀️⏱

JadeH92 profile image
26 Replies

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Just want to have a moan!

I know many of you ladies are currently in the same position during this dreaded TTW (I am following your journeys and wishing you lots of luck).

But this wait is actually driving me insane! Before I had the transfer I swore that I would be too nervous to even do the test... but it is all I have thought about since the transfer!

I have now convinced myself it hasn't worked because I dont exactly feel any different. My boobs are a bit tender but nothing unusual for me... I have been getting cramps and pains on and off but again because of my endo this isnt unusual. I am a bit more tired but I know that can be the progesterone. But I also know that I wouldn't be thinking twice about any of these things if it was a normal month... I know it's our first attempt and we are soo lucky to have another 4 good quality day 5 blastocysts in the freezer so I just feel like I want to know now.

My partner made me promise I wouldn't test early and he has some how managed to put it to the back of his mind. So I am getting a bit frustrated with him to be honest... it doesn't help I suffer with anxiety so over think things at the best of times, but he just tells me to take my mind off it... I know he cares and it is important to him but it is literally all I think about!

I was also wondering why some clinics give different test dates and some also offer blood tests? I feel also annoyed that my clinic tell you to wait the full 14 days and dont do bloods either so I feel I am waiting even longer...

Anyway just had to have a moan to people who understand and I will keep telling myself I'm over half way there... so only another 5 days 10 hours 35 minutes and 35 seconds left (by the time I have typed this 🤦‍♀️😂).

Wishing you all lots of luck in your journeys 🤞🤞

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JadeH92 profile image
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26 Replies
Core profile image

I feel for you, I hate the 2ww, my clinic always made me wait the full 5 days also even with 5 day transfers, seems strange as some people on here seem to be able to test with 10 days! To give you some hope I’ve seen lots of people on here with no symptoms but still getting their BFP xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Core

Thank you for replying! I know it's so strange you would think it would be the same for everyone and thank you for your hope... I am still trying to stay positive but am also coming to terms if it is going to be negative. Wishing you lots of luck in your journey! xx

everhopeful83 profile image

My clinic tests on day 9 (blood test) OTD is Monday for me - I’m also cracking up! So much so I could’ve written your post😆 no early testing for me as I want to be PUPO for as long as possible 🙈💖 sending hugs, we’re getting there ! Xxx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to everhopeful83

Not long for now, hang in there! 🤞 for you, hope the next few days go fast and I really hope it all goes well. Its genuinely enough to drive us insane isn't it! Awe no i get it, I think that's why my partner is so against us testing early... Thank you and thank you for replying! 😊 x

Drives profile image

The 2ww is hard. I nearly broke the day before OTD but was so glad I waited. Not sure I could deal with the anxiety and "what if" if there was a faint line.

I didn't have any symptoms in 2ww apart from some cramping on and off and we got a BFP on our first round 😊Stay strong lovely...the clinic give you this date for a reason 😘

Wishing you all the very best 🍀🤞🏻 x x x

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Drives

I know I keep thinking, I have made it this far if I keep myself busy I can wait another couple of days, but nothing takes it off my mind 😂. Thats amazing news! Congratulations and wishing you a healthy pregnancy! Thank you! 😊😊

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to JadeH92

Aww thanks lovely 😘

Hoping you've done something nice today to help keep you distracted x x

lolly2019 profile image

Morning! I’m right there with you on the going insane! I’m on day 7 post 5dt and get tested tues (10day wait/bloods) I’ve got same symptoms as you but have convinced myself it’s pms. I cried Thursday/fri but feel better today. Actually went out and bought two tests yesterday but too scared to do them! Think I’ll go for bloods then do test while waiting for call with results as don’t want them over phone without an inclination! It’s a beautiful day here so I’m away to take my dog to the beach for a paddle while partner paints the outside of our house! Hope you’ve got something nice planned next few days! Good luck!!xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to lolly2019

🤞 for you Tuesday is nearly here.. hang in there! Thank you for replying it's kinda nice to know we all feel similar in this situation! I hope you have had a relaxing day. Wishing you lots of luck in your journey! xx

aamiller405 profile image

Hi.. I totally get you.. Im on 5dp5dt and it feels like an eternity. Ive been sitting in bed for the last hour trying to convince myself not to take the pregnancy test that I know is in the bathroom.

I've had no pregnancy specific symptoms either. Just some pains and tender boobs but like you said that wouldn't be unnormal for me anyway.

I don't have any advice I'm afraid because I'm going just as crazy as you 🙈🙈 xo

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to aamiller405

😂😂 just as crazy as I am, sounds about right before this process I thought I was a relatively chilled out person... obviously not hahaa. When is your official test date? I have been put at ease a bit with people saying sometimes people get a BFP without any symptoms... but there is still a niggle saying it hasn't worked... this might be a coping mechanism for me though! Wishing you lots of luck!

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to JadeH92

My OTD is 10th August. Ive woken up today with the type of crampy feeling I get before my period. I feel like my period isn't far away tbh. Have a bad feeling its over.

Yeah I thought I was chilled out before this too lol. I guess noone can be chilled during the 2ww lol.. Hope you get the best news soon xo

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to aamiller405

I think the symptoms are cruel because I know I personally go through swings and roundabouts with them they could mean either result. I know it's hard but try and stay positive. Wishing you lots of luck and positivity 🤞🤗 and thank you, you to!

Olivia1980xxx profile image

I totally understand u hun I got another 2 and half day to go and I’m going crazy .

It’s my first natural cycle so I don’t know what to looking for.

My transfer was on 26 July and my OTD is this Tuesday so 12 days and my clinic don’t do the blood test they only give me pregnancy test .

To be honest I’m even scared to test ...😔

5 days hun hold on not long to go and I wish u BFP 🙏xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Yes our transfer was the same day and same my clinic gave me a test... I has taken all my others to my mums so I wasnt tempted to test early... my brother went round and thought my mum had something to tell us when he saw them on the side 😂😂. I thought it would be too scared to test before I started this but now I just think I want to know, but with the way my emotions are at the moment I wouldn't be surprised if that all changed by Thursday! Thank you, hang in there to Tuesday will be here before you know it! Thank you!! Wishing you lots of luck for a BFP too 😊 xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Hang in there sweetie - we all convince ourselves it hasn't worked. Before testing I was planning a whole boozy weekend eating sushi and rare steak and I was really shocked when I got a positive. My OH also wouldn't let me test until the end but believe me, it's on their minds too. Fingers crossed it's a positive for you xxx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thank you for replying! Yes I think it might be a coping mechanism, hoping for the best but expecting the worst... that weekend sounds nice with my stress levels at the moment 😂 but that BFP is better than a boozy weekend. Congratulations on your BFP and wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy! Yes I think he is happy thinking that I am currently pregnant until we do that test because let's face it, it's the closest we have ever been. Thank you! xx

crisps88 profile image

Good luck hun this is the worst part the treatment waiting!!! All clinics are different and everywhere has different guidelines so it’s just one of those things! Xxx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to crisps88

Thank you for replying! It definitely is the worst part, I have had severe hyperstimulation and was in horrific pain so thought that was the worst bit of my journey so far... until this. I know every clinic works differently so there must be a reason behind it and that's what my partner has said... but must be my medical side thinking surely if one clinic says test at 10 days then everyone should get an accurate result at 10 days.. I'm feeling a bit better today... and I've made it another day without doing a test so I think I can do it... until I have another breakdown 😂. Congratulations again with your BFP 🤗 xx

crisps88 profile image
crisps88 in reply to JadeH92

I know it’s on crazy!! It’s like if one tells you at 10 and one at 13, which is to say which one is right?! Lol. Maybe some clinics just believe 10 days in generally enough time to show a positive. It’s strange! Or if you had a larger dose of trigger maybe it might be more. Oh no that sounds painful, you poor thing. Did you have to change your cycle at all? Thanks chic still doesn’t feel real! At all. Aw you’re doing so well!! I have everything crossed for you babe. Eeeek xxxxx

Starryeyes1984 profile image

I’m 5dp5dt and so glad I stumbled across this post as I’m also going insane! I was super happy and positive (first cycle) but a few days in I just woke up feeling super anxious, upset that it wasn’t working cause I didn’t feel any different and cause work was stressing me out and I convinced myself that it wasn’t going to work cause of all the stress which obviously then made me more stressed. Had a 2 day meltdown but my acupuncturist seems to have fixed me as I’m much calmer now (plus it’s the weekend). My clinic said to do a blood test at 8dp5dt or urine test at 10dp5dt. To be honest the wait is hard but I also almost don’t want to test in case it hasn’t worked. I think I’m ok with just imagining I am pregnant for a few more days!

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Starryeyes1984

Glad my post has helped. I was the same, feeling really strong the first few days like you've got this it will be worth the wait... then I woke up from an awful sleep in an awful mood and just hit a wall... Glad you are starting to feel a bit more positive again! Do you get to choose if you have the bloods at 8 days or the urine at 10. If so have you decided which one you will go for? Wishing you lots of luck for your OTD! Xx

Starryeyes1984 profile image
Starryeyes1984 in reply to JadeH92

My clinic said they’d rather the blood test but if you can’t do that then the urine test is fine. I can’t get the blood test done till Thursday anyway which will be 10 days and then a few days to get the results I imagine. My husband is away with work so we’ve agreed that if I can wait we’ll do the urine test on Friday night when he’s back. At least that way no matter what happens we’ll have the weekend to get over the shock! I don’t like the idea of just relying on the blood test. I don’t want the person who tells me if it’s negative to be the receptionist at my GP.

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Starryeyes1984

Ahh, I see, it's so strange how they all do it so differently. It would be interesting to know if the same clinics even change it from person to person. Yeah I get where you are coming from with that. I suppose with the HPT you can decide when you look at it rather than waiting for that phone call. Well I am wishing you lots ot luck 🤞🤞 take care! xx

Hope76 profile image

The 2ww is quite simply mental torture. My clinic are 15 days 🙈 I had a transfer last year and I was going insane, read somewhere if you use an Ovulation strip & it tests positive it detects the hcg hormone. I had a load in the cupboard and on about day 10 couldn’t take it anymore. So tried the strips and there was a clear dark second line. I took some peace of mind from it however was also aware it wasn’t a pregnancy test so it wasn’t guaranteed. On my OTD I tested positive on my pregnancy test. Again I tried the ovulation strip as a test and lo & behold was 2 very dark lines. Made me wonder why we bother buying pregnancy tests 😂

This time am feeling again I can’t possibly wait 15 whole days so may dig out the ovulation strips.... I feel it’s not really cheating and if was a negative I would tell myself it’s not guaranteed anyway. Not saying you should try this but just wanted to share with you

5 days is not long though so wishing you the very best of luck 🤞🏼🙏🏻🍀x

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Hope76

15 days poor you! I know it's only an extra day than mine but every hour feels like 5 in this situation doesn't it. Thank you for sharing your little tip with me, I didnt know they picked up HCG as well... I think that would drive me even more insane with how my mind works... I think that's why my partner is encouraging me to wait it out because he knows how my head works as well and no matter what the result is in this window I would be second guessing it until the OTD anyway. But I understand how it could also put your mind at ease. I know and technically only 4 days to go now. Thank you soo much! Wishing you lots of luck also 🤞🤞 xx

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