I had my BFP earlier this week, super strong test lines after transfer of 2 embryos. Today I have one sided lower abdominal pain and pink spotting and my symptoms seem to have reduced. I feel like it’s all over, I’ve left work in tears and I don’t know what to do with myself, I’m going to speak to my clinic but I’m sure there is nothing they can do and it’s all over 😥
Pain and spotting 4+6 sensitive - Fertility Network UK
Pain and spotting 4+6 sensitive
Hi Aprilmama,
Sending you all the positive vibes possible. I hope it's nothing and everything is OK!
It's true that having spotting can be a sign that something is wrong. I've experienced that myself.
But sometimes even with spotting and pain everything is OK. I'm currently 9w pregnant after FET#2. I been having spotting since week 4. A pink-brownish spotting. Sometimes some abdominal pain too. On my 8w scan everything was OK and we saw the heartbeats.
Contact your local EPU. I think it's too early for a scan but with a blood test they can see if your HCG is doubling every 48h.
Good luck! xx
Thank you, I’m more worried about the pain than the spotting, I’m booked in for bloods in the morning and again Monday so I guess we just need to wait it out now x
None of the things you're describing necessarily mean it's all over but it's so hard not to worry about everything at this stage. Still too early to scan but hopefully the clinic can offer blood tests to have a better idea what's going on. I really hope it's a false alarm xxx
Thank you, it just feels like a repeat of my miscarriage last year where I had pain but no bleeding, bloods tomorrow and Monday should tell us more x

No wonder you're so anxious. I really hope it's not the case this time xxx
Nothing you’ve said means it’s def over. Keep on hanging in there xxxx
Thank you 🤞🏼
Don't panic lovely! I really would try to stay positive. I've found that symptoms really come and go, they did especially in the first few weeks for me. The lower tummy pain could just be your bean snuggling in properly. I hope your clinic can give you some reassurance x
I’ve had this too, and it turned into red bleeding. I’ve got a subchorionic hematoma. You might have something similar? At the moment both embryos are fine but I’m a complete anxious wreck because like you I know how wrong it can go. I’m really hoping for a good outcome for you x
Hey! I'm literally just back from my clinic after emergency ultrasound as I had a bleed 2 weeks ago, bright red blood, and then again today. I was due scan on Monday but they managed to get me in tonight. I also have a haematoma about 1cm. The sonographer didn't seem concerned at all and just said to monitor the bleeding. What advice did you get? I really thought it was all over but strong heartbeats but now I'm so anxious about what risks the heamatoma poses!! 🙄 X
My hematoma is 1cm too and my consultant said it’s classified as small. She is scanning me again in two weeks to see if it resolves. She said if it becomes very large then it could present a risk. Hopefully it will have gone! They told me to take it easy but I’m sure thats more for my own mental health than anything else. I’ve made the mistake of googling it. How are you doing? Xx
Yep I googled too!!!! The sonographer really didn't seem too concerned at all and the bleeding associated with it has stopped. My IVF doctor has just advised to rest as much as is possible. If I wasn't anxious enough I'm 44 and the scan showed 2 strong heartbeats. With the whole age, multiples and risks and now this hematoma my nerves are shattered!!! I'm waiting on them coming back to me about when I will have another scan but given all the factors I'd guess they would suggest in another 2 weeks. Fingers crossed yours resolves itself and no more cares for you x
Thank you. It is good you’ve had no more bleeding. It is horrible isn’t it, I’ve had two miscarriages previously and my anxiety is huge. My local hospital are awful but I’ve booked with a better one further away this time and they’ve given me an NHS consultant appointment at 8 weeks because I’m that high risk, which feels premature but weirdly reassuring. x
That's good a little reassurance is all we need sometimes. Yeh I had MMC around 8 weeks last time so like you really anxious. I was 7 weeks yesterday so having the scan last night was amazing. We went in thinking the worst. I need to get into NHS system as was having treatment privately and now that had that first viability scan Im now going to let my GP know. I'm just hoping I get regular and good care given the risks when I enter the NHS system - yet another thing to be anxious about 🙄 X
Good luck and I really hope your pregnancy continues smoothly so you can try and relax as much as is possible. X
Hey, I know it’s really hard but try and stay positive. I had a double transfer and had a few bleeds in the early weeks and just had to sit it out and wait for my viability scan but luckily one little embie stayed put and I’m now 18 weeks. Hope it settles down, will keep everything crossed xx
Hang in there I've also had bleeding at 5 weeks and then today and just has scan and all ok. It's so hard not to worry but stay hopeful. Wishing you so much luck and positive vibes. X