Since my weird vision thing earlier today, all my pregnancy symptoms seem to have gone away. I don't feel sick, my boobs don't hurt as much, had a bit of pink spotting when I wiped and I've just got a terrible gut feeling that something has happened. Don't know what to do for the best. A&E seems extreme for a tiny bit of spotting and lack of other symptoms. Almost scared to get scanned again in case my feeling is right.
Awful feeling something has gone wrong - Fertility Network UK
Awful feeling something has gone wrong

Hey Hun I’ve been following you and just saw this I know it may be extreme for a bit of spotting but I would go a&e if it was me that’s your baby your worried about it’s a big deal after all you been through xx
Bless you. I'm really stuck for what to do. If it wasn't Saturday night I think I'd go but I can see myself waiting there all night (our A&E is notorious for long waiting times) and if it's nothing I'll feel really silly but if it's something I'll regret not going. Thinking about maybe waiting to see if the spotting gets any worse or if I get cramps and going in the morning.
Hi, when I had spotting I called NHS direct and they sent me to a walk in clinic and gave me an appointment the same night at around 11.15 pm. I ended up going to a&e in the end and all they did was do a urine test and then gave me an appointment to go to the EPU the next morning for a scan.
I hope all is ok 🤞🏽
Hi, I really hope everything is ok ! I think you should go to the hospital as it will help you to put your mind at ease and with your history no one will think you are silly for going. I really hope everything is ok ! xXx
I'm at A&E, bleeding heavier and cramps 😞
Looks like they're going to do bloods. Bleeding and cramping slowed down now but passed a few clots. It's so scary going through this again.
I really hope all is ok. Xx
They couldn't really do much, earliest scan is Tuesday through my local EPU. Going to try the one I went to last week in the morning. But I know in my heart of hearts that the pregnancy is over. I don't feel anything. All my symptoms have totally disappeared. I can't believe that 24 hours ago I was sick to my stomach and now I feel like I was never even pregnant at all. How does it happen so quickly? I will be beyond amazed if our little embryo is still alive.
I have read of women on here pass clots and quite lot of blood and still everything was ok so 🤞they should able to give you your blood test results today to give you idea if everything is ok if they took blood from you x
I really hope everything is ok for u. I passed clots and bled in the early stages and we put it down to the 2nd embryo that didn’t stick. The not knowing is awful, will be keeping everything crossed for u xx
Sorry about how you feel. I know it's scary and worrying so I'm crossing my fingers for you. I hope it's ok x
Oh hun, I've only just seen this. Sending you lots of love and keeping everything crossed for you 🤞 x x x
Praying for you. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I bled 3 weeks with my daughter so don’t give up hope.
Thank you, it's not so much the bleeding that makes me think the embryo has died, it's the disappearance of all my symptoms which were so strong just yesterday 😞
I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Sending you lots of prayers. I hope everything goes okay.
Oh this is just awful to go through hopefully everything is fine, it seems crazy to make you wait until Tuesday for a scan, maybe your clinic can do it sooner? I’ve read a lot online about symptoms and they can disappear and come back etc. Will be thinking of you ❤️ Xxx
Oh Kitcat I’m so sorry you are going though such a worrying time - my first thought was it could be the embryo that didn’t stick. I’m hoping you get a scan today as I agree it’s just cruel to make you wait until Tuesday. Thinking of you xx
Hi kitcat,so sorry only just read your posts.I really feel for you and I will be praying that everything is going to be ok xx
So sorry to read this, hoping you can get a scan soon and all is ok xx
Scan tomorrow at EPU. Keep everything crossed for me!
So sorry you are going through such a frightening time. I really hope you have reassuring news tomorrow x
Will have everything crossed for you x
So sorry to hear this x have everything crossed for you that all ok tomo x
Hi Hun how are you feeling? X
Bleeding has stopped and no more cramps, just a sore tender tummy. My symptoms still haven't returned. I'm just exhausted and want to know what's going on.
If it is any help at all the symptoms do annoyingly come and go - a lot. When they are there they are comforting but also annoying. When they go and you feel absolutely normal, it is scary. But then the return again, or you awake in the night and find your boobs have been secretly hurting overnight.
Really hope you awake with symptoms again tomorrow and the scan goes really well. xx

Thank you lovely, they do seem to be coming and going. I've been nauseous on and off today. Keeping everything crossed, I do feel a little more positive than I did this morning.
Bless u. I myself am feeling so down n depressed. From yesterday I started spotting. This morning I noticed abit of bleeding. Its stopped now . But its hell stressing me. I have a constant headache. I'm on day 7 after et. Not sure how I shud be feeling
Oh dear poor thing.... Such a stressful and awful time.... I will have everything crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞🤞. I hope your scan will go well. Take care. Sending you a big hug and lots of love 💖
Hi just wanted to say I really hope all is ok tomorrow! Maybe a little bit of reassurance for you, I had quite a heavy bleed after my positive! There was a clot and I thought that was it! It didn’t last long and then stopped and nothing since! I’m now nearly 30 weeks pregnant xx
Hope it goes ok tomorrow 🤞
Fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow 🤞🏼 I really hope it all goes well. xx
Oh I really feel for you. It’s such a terrifying thing to go through and you really can’t tell either way as all these ladies with positive outcomes show. I really really hope it works out for you tomorrow xxx
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I have everything crossed for you. If it makes you feel any better I had an early bleed and no symptoms at all. Convinced myself it was all over and it was all fine. I'd had a previous loss so I was full of anxiety most of my pregnancy. I'm really hoping all ok for you too xx x
Im so sorry this is happening, ive got everything crossed for you for tomorrow. You could be one of those sucess stories we all read on here where there is bleeding and then all is fine. I hope you get to be that story xxx
Oh no, how terrifying. Got everything crossed for you tomorrow 🤞🍀 Know it’s practically impossible but do your best to keep the calmness and positivity going. Will be thinking of you xx
I don't know what to make of it. Woken up and feel a little nauseous again. I hope with everything that I've got that my little bean is still in there x
Thinking of you lovely. What a rollercoaster! Crossing my fingers for good news tomorrow. Keep us posted! Xx
Dear Kitcat, at the beginning of a pregnancy symptoms do come and go. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your scan tomorrow 🍀🍀🍀
Sending you lots of big hugs and so much luck for your scan tomorrow xxxx
Aww kitcat12 I will keep everything crossed all is ok at your scan tomorrow!! Sorry you are having to go through this we are all thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs your way xx
Hiya Kitcat, will be thinking of you tomorrow and keeping everything crossed. It is such a tough one when you have a bleed and clot you instantly think the worst has happened. On the upside of things, your bleeding has stopped and your feeling all your usual symptoms so hopefully you have had a little scare and that's it. Will pray that all is well for you xxxx
Hey sorry u going through this sounds scary indeed. Hopefully all ok though. In my experience if started to spot it usually gets worse and not stop or improve so hopefully all is fine for u. Everything crossed xx
Sending you lots of luck for your scan! I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I hope everything is Ok! Xx 🤗
Thinking of u today and praying for good news xx
Hope all is ok for you today hun, have everything crossed that you get good news xx
So sorry just read this I hope you all is ok and keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞❤️
Thinking of you today hope all is ok keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you 🤞🤞 love and hugs xx
Thinking of you today and hoping your scan is ok xx