Feeling so depressed, had our egg retrieval yesterday morning early and only 1 egg was retrieved... accoring to the doctor the other 15 ruptured.... when I woke up the morning of egg retrieval I had so much pain it was sore to walk or move so this being my 1st IVF cycle didn't know what to expect.... I feel as if I let my husband down by only having 1 egg... So now I am hoping and praying that this little egg is strong and makes it through being fertilized... Has anyone else have a success story with only 1 egg retrieved so I can have hope with mine? Wana have that positive feeling back
Only 1 egg retrieved 😭: Feeling so... - Fertility Network UK
Only 1 egg retrieved 😭

Hi my lovely I know how u feel I had 13 follicles and only 1 egg was found but luckily it fertilitised next day and devolved very well till day 2. I had day 2 transfer..
I wish u all the best and hope ur egg makes a lovely baby🥰
Thank you so much, reading your message is giving me hope... did your day 2 embie turn into a successful pregnancy? If you dont mind me asking
I’m so sorry. I have had several fertilised eggs but in the end, all didn’t implant/did implant but ended up w chemical pregnancies. Who knows, ur single egg could be your ticket to motherhood. All the best and hope to hear good news from u! Have lots of rest too!
Although I had 9 retrieved only 1 fertilized so I felt the same way as you. Hang in strong! I hope this one is the one!!
I had the same happen in my first cycle. I ovulated early before egg collection, they managed to get two eggs, both fertilised but we had them frozen, I was absolutely devastated and cried all day so I know how you are feeling.. Just had cycle 2 and out of 9 eggs we are down to 3 not great quality but having transfer today (day 3).
Wishing you the best of luck, I know everyone says it but it only takes one xx
I’m so sorry things didn’t go to plan for you. I didn’t respond as expected to the meds & only had two follicles so knew before egg collection we would only likely get two eggs. I was given the option to cancel the cycle but decided to go ahead. Two eggs were collected, one fertilised & is now a very happy & healthy 18 month old. I hope that’s a positive example for you that it can only take one egg & I wish you lots of luck 🥰 xx
Thanks to everyone's messages an update the lab called and said the 1 egg cant be fertilized coz it didnt mature and we have to start a new process... so here goes ivf cycle 2.... at least I now know what to expect and how the whole process works... Good luck to everyone and I really hope you all have a much better experience then what I had xxx 🌷
Don’t give up! And get in a mental place where you know without any doubt that you will be pregnant at the next IVF treatment. Use meditation, prayers, whatever helps. Good luck!
Did you ever have success? We just did egg retrieval for myself and my egg donor. They got 4 eggs from me and 38 from her! My eggs made 2 embryos that died on day 5. Her eggs made 27 embryos and all but 3 died on day 5. One was abnormal. So I'll be implanting 2 embryos. Very worried it won't take. It's crazy that over 40 eggs makes so few embryos.