Hi guys I'm now 5+4 and first of all I wiped blood, and roughly about an hour after I spoke to my fertility nurse about the bleeding I went to the bathroom and my underwear had a rough size of a £5 note full of pinkish blood. We can't do nothing until Monday when I go for bloods but is this game over?? 😭😭😭😭
Bleeding: Hi guys I'm now 5+4 and first... - Fertility Network UK

I had quite a few bleeds in the early stages so try not to loose hope yet. Hope it settles down for u xx
Aw lovely, not a nice situation! Could you take a test, make sure it's still nice and dark? x
I had two bad episodes of bleeding during week 6 but the embryo stuck there and now I am almost 14w. I know it can go both ways, but is not necessarily game over...
Keeping everything crossed for you
Hi Leanne,
Just reading your other replies: It sounds similar to my case. I would bleed, It would stop and the next day be back even worse... They gave me extra progesterone (injections) and I believe that helped. Perhaps you could ask them about It?

Hi, thanks for responding, it's so nice to have someone who understands what I'm going through. Well if I get more tomorrow I will phone on call Dr but I'm just going to take it easy until I know what's happening next week. My heart sunk when I saw. I'm already on 2 pesseries a day one am and one pm. X
I was on four pessaries plus a daily injection after the bleedings... What the doctor said is that some women don't absorbe the vaginal pessaries good enough, and that's why the injections.
Hope It calms down xxx

Waw, well (sorry for the tmi) again but the bleeding has now turned into brownish discharge which I think is a good thing. I just don't know which end to do my persserie tonight. Xx
I think that's a good sign and really hope It doesn't come back... Take It easy and rest lots 😘😘

Thank you well if had nothing overnight so fingers crossed that's it and everything okay xx
It's not game over. I bled for 3 weeks after my fresh cycle, last bit of bleeding exactly what you said. The result of that IVF cycle is now having her breakfast with the grandparents. Hang in there, keep with the meds and wait for your scan. Good luck.