Currently in stims and had first scan - only 2 follicles of note. Had a sleepless anxiety through roof riddled night last night. Worried this will now affect the egg quality. Is this normal? I don't know how to do this without so much pressure building up. Xx
Stress and egg development during stims - Fertility Network UK
Stress and egg development during stims
Stress is rarely a good thing but I really doubt a bit of anxiety before a scan will affect the quality. Hang in there and maybe trick yourself by saying how excited you are before each scan...Best of luck!
I totally understand that you are worried! The thing is that you worry about something you cannot change. There is a life around us and we are not just a "nest" for a baby and there will always be emotions and worries and stress and being hormonal sometimes and trying to optimise everything will increase this stress. I am sure you are doing a lot to make everything perfect. People have had babies in all kinds of worrying situations, in wars, in disasters, all the time. I am sure your eggs will be fine. You just need one egg and even if there was none, it would be not your fault and rather down to how your body reacts to the stims. Try to do things to relax and trust in your eggs to be more resilient All the best!
Don't think it would make a difference.... I was really really stressed before EC and got 27 eggs xxx
Thanks. Ok will try and chill and let things be. I only have 2 follicles. I hope one is a winner. Xx