Worried clinic have called me back be... - Fertility Network UK

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Worried clinic have called me back because bloods are high

Mishmash12 profile image
27 Replies

Hi everyone need help again ive been for my 2nd scan today and had a bloods took got 19follicles 2x13mm 2x11mm 3x 8/10mm 12x8mm was told to wait for a call to book my next scan for saturday but clinic rang me saying they need to see me again tomoz for more bloods and another scan i asked why they said my bloods are 3500 can anyone explain this to me as im abit lost xx

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Mishmash12 profile image
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27 Replies

I'm not sure what that means but I'm sure they will explain tomorrow don't worry you are in good hands and everything will be fine, try to stay relaxed. I have my second scan tomorrow too let me know how you get on I'm sure things will be fine x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

Its all so confusin so much to learn and take in x

I bet your so excited?

I have been got there this morning had bloods done then scan everything was fine plus my lining is perfect 13.5.. last thing they said was we will prob see you saturday for your next scan wait for a phone call this afternoon... then they rang and said my bloods are high they need to see me again tomoz i have no idea what it means im so worried.. ive been feeling fine with all the drugs i even said to them i was worried they was doing anything as ive been fine on them all xx what times you scan hun? X

in reply to Mishmash12

Well that all sounds positive so keep thinking of all the good, scan is at ten past 9, had my 1st one on tuesday I had 13 follicles 8 were measuring between 7 and 9 and 5 were between 11 and 13 they said I need 10 eggs measuring around 20 my lining was 9.6 so hopefully they will be there and we can move on to hcg trigger fingers crossed x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

Oh wow its gone so fast once stims start it flys by so haopy for you will you triggar tomoz night? Xx

in reply to Mishmash12

I have no idea I guess we will see what the scan results are, will let you know, what time is your scan tomorrow x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

My scan is at 8.30am i keep my fingers crossed for you.. xx

My clinic said today they look for around at least 3follicles 17mm then they trigger you xx

in reply to Mishmash12

It's so funny how they are all different x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

Yes defo... x ive spoke to a few people now and every clinic is so diff.. x defo let me no how tomoz goes good luck xx

in reply to Mishmash12

You too x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

Hi hun how was your scan ?x

in reply to Mishmash12

Good thanks another on Monday they think I will be ready for egg collection Wed or thur how was urs x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

Im back again tomoz for another scan and blood test ive got 1 follicle now at 17mm the are looking for at least 3 17mm or above before i trigger x think they are going to be scanning and bloods everyday 😭 but as long as they have a plan thats fine by me my bloods have gone from 3500 to in the 4000s so not to much higher x bet you cant wait for EC? XX

in reply to Mishmash12

Yeah I can't wait I had one measuring 18 today so fingers crossed by mon they should be big enough x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to

Hi hun been for another scan today i have

1x18 2x17 1x16 1x15 4x14 few more that are 12s 11s 10s

They said this morning when scanning me that to wait for phone call but i prob trigger tonight EC monday i cant wait xx

in reply to Mishmash12

Eeeekkkk so exciting that's brilliant news keep me posted x

Rach82 profile image

I think it will be your oestradiol levels they are keeping an eye on. You have a good number of follicles so that is positive. But a high number puts you more at risk of ohss, which is why you are having extra scans/bloods. They might reduce your dosage of stims.

I had high levels the week before egg collection (14000+) and had to have a freeze all round. Don't want to worry you, make sure to drink lots of water and have a good night's rest. Xx

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to Rach82

Hi hun i was my 1st scan to see what size my follicles are.. im so upset i really dont want a freeze all ive come this far i no its for the best i knew something would happen as my body has done everything its ment to so far and i new i would hit a bump its just so upsetting... ive drank so much water i just keep getting it down me my belly is massive lol.. do you no what ya bloods are ment to be if you dont have ohss or not at risk of it? Wow14000+ is well high is rest ment to help as well as ive been walking been to the park rpund town the lot?x

Rach82 profile image
Rach82 in reply to Mishmash12

Sorry I don't know what is a normal level as we all react differently. Please don't worry you might not need to freeze all. Your body is reacting well to stims, just maybe a bit too much 😅

I'm not sure if rest helps but you're putting your body through some heavy hormones, better to be well rested (I was so lazy during stims).

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to Rach82

How many follicles did you have amd how many eggs did you end up with?xx

Rach82 profile image
Rach82 in reply to Mishmash12

I had 21 follicles, 19 eggs, 17 fertilised and 14 were frozen at day 3. Really lucky I know, I have high AMH and PCOS so egg quality is good but I don't ovulate naturally.

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to Rach82

Wow id be over the bloody moon with all them... x i just have no tubes they said everything else is normal i already have a son who is 10years old but had 2ectopics i will just go with it after all they know what there doing just upsetting ive come this far xx i have been a little lazy but my son makes sure im not to bad... saying that im very snappy today so hes down stairs playing on the computer while im lay in bed hes bringing me my water evertime i run out bleas him xx

Rach82 profile image
Rach82 in reply to Mishmash12

Oh bless him, well I hope everything goes well for you hon, best of luck with your cycle x

Reb990 profile image

Hey just wanted to say don’t stress too much about a freeze all. My first round my bloods were borderline for transfer but they went a head. Looking back I probably wasn’t well enough for it, in pain and felt generally terrible.

My first transfer didn’t take and if I was to do it again would opt for a freeze all x

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to Reb990

I will listen to the clinic as they no whats best thank you for replying x ive heard ohss is and can be really bad glad your ok now x

hannahding profile image

Hey, I hope things go well. Just stay calm and positive. Everything will get cleared on Saturday. However, just know that stress is not good for you. Therefore, keep your mind busy till Saturday. I am sure there is nothing to worry about. Good luck to you. I am sure things will be fine.

Mishmash12 profile image
Mishmash12 in reply to hannahding

Hi hin got a early night last night had scan today amd back again tomoz i feel less stressed today thank you xx

Mishmash12 profile image

Thank yoi ladies

Quick update so been for another scan and bloods today

My boods are in the 4000 range now and my biggest follicle is now 17 when scaning me they said my follicles have had a growth spurt from yesterday as the biggest yesterday was 13.. my lining was 13.5 yesterday and to day my lining is now 16.7 clinic want me back again tomorrow morning for more bloods and another scan xx

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