6 week scan,not great news: I really... - Fertility Network UK

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6 week scan,not great news

57 Replies

I really need some reassuring stories, I went for my 6 week scan today (transfer was 16th July) I had an abdominal scan first and they couldn't see much so they did an internal, they said I was only measuring 4-5 weeks, couldn't see a heartbeat. They have taken my bloods to check HCG levels and have arranged for me to go back Friday afternoon, they said next 48hrs is going to be a waiting game. I feel so upset and not very optimistic, has this happened to anybody else?

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57 Replies
CC2018 profile image

Didn't want to read and run but when I was feeling anxious about my scan yesterday I searched on this site for any familiar stories and found a couple that had early scans where nothing could be seen and were told to wait a week and when they went back they saw the babies. This is giving me hope if we don't see anything at ours next week xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to CC2018

Hope you get good news at your next scan. 6 weeks is too early really you need 7-8 weeks before you see a heart beat xx

in reply to CC2018

Thankyou for the reassurance, I have been googling but have seen mixed responses, they couldn't really see any development inside the sac, just got to pray next couple of days.

Congrats on your BFP,how many weeks are you? Xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

6 weeks 2 days- my scan's next Wednesday xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to CC2018

I hope this helps- it made me feel better babycentre.co.uk/x1014511/c...

in reply to CC2018

Thankyou I will take a look xx

in reply to CC2018

Ive just had a read through, it does say at 6 weeks should be able to see a yolk sac,which they couldn't see but I'm just hoping that as you say the scan was too early xx

in reply to CC2018

I have everything crossed for you xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

I just think that for two of my scans during the medication stage before ec, twice they failed to find my ovary- 1st the left and then the right! Yet for both scans afterwards they were both there quite clearly on the screen. The scans aren't always right. Hope you get a clear picture of your little embie next time xxx

in reply to CC2018

Funnily enough that happened to me, at first they had problems seeing both ovaries and then after that it was my left, its always hiding and I have to press down when they are scanning, you panic though don't you when they can't find your ovaries.

I will keep you updated xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Take care xx

in reply to

I read soooo much about this on my last cycle. 6 weeks is still early and if they have had issues finding things before. I am sure they will be doing your bloods and scans at the same time. Heres hoping you are one of the examples where everything is fine. Next scan they will find your wee bean xx

in reply to

Thankyou Camillage, its just such a rollercoaster of emotions, my sis in law just announced she is pregnant just over 7 weeks and she is under the same hospital (she's hasnt undergone IVF) so if its not good news I'm dreading it,im really pleased for her but not sure how I will cope!

How is everything with you,did you have a nice relaxing hols? Xx

in reply to

It was lovely thanks. I am so relaxed ha ha. Also my bloods came back clear so now just waiting for the next round. Currently at an airport waiting to go home after a couple of days in London and treating myself to a huge glass of wine. Will have a sip for you xxx

in reply to

Glad you are feeling relaxed and great news about your bloods.

Can you have a glass for me please, especially if its red!! Xxx

in reply to

I will do my very best xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh no Claire, cant offer any advice but Im hoping that it was just too soon to see anything and praying that your bloods can provide better news! You must be so worried, huge hugs!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks Cinderella, I was in tears at the hospital, nurse was lovely but all she could say is that we won't know anymore till bloods come.

How are you feeling? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

God it must just be awful Claire but it is early for a scan, Im surprised they did it so early as it so often ends up with more anxious waiting! Thinking of you and will have everything crossed for you!

Im much the same thanks, just feel a bit periody. Dont think its worked if Im honest!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thankyou im more worried that they couldn't see the yolk, ive read that you can't always see a heartbeat this early so not as concerned about that.

I really hope that everything works out for you, its such a difficult waiting game xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Hang on in there hun!! Everything crossed for you here!xx

Really praying it’s good news for you over the next 48hrs 🙏🏼 Xxx

in reply to

Thank You Natalia that's much appreciated xxx

Thankyou Natalia xx

Tugsgirl profile image

I’m really confused as to why they’d have tried an external scan at that early stage in the first place... I hope that it’s just a tad too early for anything definitive to be seen yet and that you’ll soon get some reassurance xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Tugsgirl

I find, every time iv had early scans they've always started abdominal first then gone to internal. Time wasting xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Absolutely time wasting. Our clinic have always said it’s way too early for an abdominal scan and sometimes that 6 weeks may even be too early for a transvaginal one too xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

I hope you right, I do feel a bit more reassured now from everybody's responses, don't know what I would do without the support of you ladies on here xx

Thankyou, I really don't know what to think, I've just got to pray now over nxt 48hrs, I haven't had any bleeding so i'm hoping that's a good sign xx

RidleyNL profile image

Oh man this must have been so hard to hear today. Thinking of you lovely and hoping for good news xx

in reply to RidleyNL

Thank You lovely, the next 48 hrs is going to be torture xx

Novice_knitter profile image

I’m only mid way through my first IVF round & haven’t ever had BFP so no advice to offer - just to say I hope you get through the next 48hrs ok & you get some good news 🙏🙏

in reply to Novice_knitter

Thank You so much.

Fingers crossed for your IVF journey,it can be very tough at times but lots of success stories on here xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you hun. I know the limbo all to well Its awful. Diane has always said she prefers scans at 7 weeks as there's less chance of not being able to see what needs to be seen. I hope things turn out to be ok and measurements pick up hun.

Sending love and hugs 😘💝💝

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you so much, its reassuring to think that it may just be too early to scan,I didn't really take in everything they were saying as I was just in tears.

Hope your ok hun xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Totally understandable hun. It's awful to hear this when your hoping so much to see, a heartbeat it just puts us in to complete fear mode. Really hope Friday brings you reasurance hun. Really do. 😘💝

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thankyou xx

Gabi80 profile image

It's such a torturous waiting game. I hope you get the reassurance you need at your next appointment. Xx

Both fertility clinics I have had treatment at advised me that scans before 7 weeks dont show much. So the viability scans are done between 7-8 weeks. Hope everything is OK. Xxxxx

in reply to Gabi80

Thankyou, I really hope that it is a case of scanned to early and that the little bean catches up, I'm just praying everything ok, I just had the same dreaded feeling I had during my 1st ivf round when I wasn't reacting to the meds, it's just such a whirlwind of emotions xxx

Gabi80 profile image
Gabi80 in reply to

It really is a whirlwind. The ups and downs and uncertainties can be so difficult on top of everything else. I don't know why your clinic tested so early... that's just making you stress more! But keeping absolutely everything crossed for you that your little one shows clearer at the next one 💜 xxx

in reply to Gabi80

Thankyou I went abroad for my treatment and it was suggested that I had a viability scan back here at 6.5weeks but my GP had to refer me to NHS Hospital and they arranged for 6 weeks, I really wish I'd waited an extra week xxx

DanniJones profile image

Hi some women are like that! I had to wait another week for my pregnancy scan to show anything as it was so tiny. My preg test was also very faint. The following week it was a lot stronger. You'll be fine! No worries about that ❤️

in reply to DanniJones

Thankyou Danni, how many weeks were you when you had your first scan? Xx

DanniJones profile image
DanniJones in reply to

I fell pregnant when I was 18 but didn't realise until I was 3 months gone. At that point I wasn't ready at all... my second pregnancy was five weeks when I found out. The scan was booked for my 6th week but they rebooked me in because they couldn't see anything. It's amazing what a week can do to the growth of a little one!xx

in reply to DanniJones

Thank you Danni its reassuring to know that you were also scanned at 6 weeks, I'm hoping that it's maybe because it's an IVF baby so maybe smaller, fingers crossed for a growth spurt!! Xx

6 weeks seems so early - my first was 7wks+6days and the little guy was teeny tiny....

Hopefully it was just too early and all will show more growth and the heartbeat next time you scan.


in reply to

Thankyou EB2001, I'm just concerned that they couldn't see the yolk sac but hoping it was because it was so small and difficult to see xxx

in reply to

That is what I am hoping.

Fingers crossed for you. I hate when they scan so early it causes so much stress.


Snowy76 profile image

Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed - keeping some hope here for you.....sending massive hugs x

in reply to Snowy76

Thank you,I really appreciate that x

lucylob profile image

Really hope all is ok for you 💗

in reply to lucylob

Thankyou lucylob, im currently waiting for hospital to call me back with my second HCG results, the one taken Weds shows my level at 2425 which doctor said is a good level but yesterday's result is most important as they want to see ot increase by at least 63%, if it has they will scan me in 7-10 days,if results haven't increased to that level they will call me in sooner, doc said she really can't say at this stage but told me to try not to worry as there is no text book when it comes to pregnancy and each lady is different, just a waiting game at the moment! X

in reply to

Wishing you all the best Clairenix. I have everything crossed for you xxx

in reply to

Thankyou,I've got my phone attached to me waiting for the call!! Xxx

lucylob profile image

I have everything crossed for you 🤞🤞💗

in reply to lucylob

Thankyou Lucylob xx

lucylob profile image
lucylob in reply to


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