Ladies I am looking for some reassurance. Had a call from the clinic and they may want to do a day 3 transfer. Is this good or bad?? Has anyone had a BFP with a day 3 tranfer which ended up in health pregnancy? Xxx
Day 3 transfer???????: Ladies I am... - Fertility Network UK
Day 3 transfer???????

Hey hun I dont think it's bad at all...sometimes they like go do a 3 day transfer if not many eggs were collected/fertilized. How many eggs did you have and how many fertilized? At my clinic I think if you have 4 or less embryos they will opt to do a 3day transfer. Dont forget years ago there were only 3 day transfers as they didnt have the science or environment to grow them in the lab to day 5...and plenty of babies were born! In fact I have a friend who on her very 1st transfer which was a 3 day transfer as she only had 2 embryos and the other was arresting...resulted in her now 5 year old boy 😊 xxx
I had 7 fertilised. 1 is looking towards a grade 1 and they said the others- a few have 2 -4 cells. They will check them again tomorrow and let me know x
Some clinics prefer transfer before blastocyst stage and some during blastocyst. I had a day 2 transfer and my daughter is now 3. Good luck xx
Hi Emma, just a wanted to reply to reassure you aswell...I panicked thinking day-3 wasn't as good as blastocysts, but my clinic explained it that if there's definite strong ones at day-3, then get them back in the womb where they belong! That really reassured me so I now 21 weeks with my strong little day-3 embie!! Stay calm and trust your clinic as Niki said. Wishing you all the very best love and baby dust xx
All amazing advice from the other ladies- just wanted to wish you luck 🍀💜 xxx
Quick update. Had call from clinic and the want to wait till day 5 now. The little things all pick up some pace and are good to go to day 5 x
We've had 3 rounds IVF.
First round 3 day transfer putting 2 back in = BFN.
Second round 5 day transfer putting 2 back in= BFN.
Third round 3 day transfer putting 2 back in = BFP - now 27+5 with 1
I also just had a 3 day transfer they put two back in my womb I had it done Monday and Friday now and I am panicking that I don’t feel any different I mean sometimes I am super tired and I had a few little niggly pains yesturday but is that the progesterone supplements starting to drive myself mad and I told myself I wouldn’t do this