We have just had our dates for start of ivf lot quicker than expected and am stressing about the injections as i have a massive fear of needles! 😟
Any tips on how to cope with the ivf ... - Fertility Network UK
Any tips on how to cope with the ivf injections?

Hi hun, sorry you have a fear of needles but I found the injections the easiest part of the whole ivf process!! I was never scared of them but I was a bit anxious about it, but honestly hun the needles are small and they really dont hurt at all...I even injected mine myself! Once you do the first one you will be fine. Best of luck xxx
Hi, just relax and make sure every injection is on time same time every day. I had 3 types of injection because my follicles wasn’t developed well, two were just below belly button and one just below my hips on muscle area (which hurt more than the belly). Good luck to you. You can do it!!!
Hey hun. It's absolutely normal to feel that way. I have no fear of injections but once i got my dates i was a nervous wreck. Im now on day 9 into stims and it's not that scary at all. Started with 2 injections a night and then increased to 3. It's not painful and its not difficult. You can maybe get somebody to do the injections for you? So then you can just look aside and you won't feel a thing. Good luck with everything, relax and stay positive! 😍🤗😊xxxx
It's really nowhere near as bad as you think it will be. I never thought I would be able to inject myself- I don't really have a fear of needles as such but I always have to look away when they go in. These ones are tiny though and it's really not traumatic at all. We started off with my husband doing it but one time he couldn't be there on time (it's really important to respect timings as far as possible) so I had to do it myself and after that I preferred to do it as he's really heavy handed. It's actually kind of empowering!!
Best of luck with your cycle hon xxx
I'm not afraid of injections so got on with it fine but I think focusing on getting into a routine really helps. They don't hurt but after a few you can end up with a small bruise- you could try a cool pack or ice cube on the spot the put the needle in. Apply a bit of pressure and hold the needle straight so the needle goes in quickly- go for the tops of your thighs if you don't fancy stomach. They're a bit firmer and less painful. If you go for the tummy I found it easier to pinch a bit of belly hard between my fingers a which distracted me from the sting of the needle. The needles are tiny and do just slide in so please don't worry. Remember what you're doing this for and try the free mindful ivf app to keep you calm and positive. I'm lucky to currently be nearly 30 weeks pregnant from my first ivf round with only 1 viable blast so keep thinking that those needles you are holding will be replaced by a baby. Good luck xx
I also have a fear of needles, I haven’t got my start date but feel a little anxious too. I’m hoping my husband can do my injections but due to the timing restrictions I may have to do some myself. Unfortunately we have no choice but to endure. I’m trying to stay focused on the end result rather than my fear stopping me from getting there. One of the nurses at the ivf clinic recommended hypnotising, but I’m hoping I can get through it without. Stay strong x
Most people say that it's really easy to cope. I don't think that's true. I have always feared needles, too. I can understand where you're coming from. I remember my experience very vividly. It took quite an effort from my DH! I don't think I would've made it without him. Good luck to you! Just try and keep your mind off it. The worst part of the procedure has to be the wait, though. Nothing beats that! I hope it happens on the first attempt! No one should have to go through that TWW more than once. It's torturous and really hard to deal with! The needles are quite small if that's any help! Should get better after the first attempt! Lots of baby dust and love for you!
Hey, I hope you are doing well. Firstly, good luck with your IVF cycle. I hope things go well for you. Just make sure that while you have to inject yourself there is someone else who assists you. If one of your family members helps then things can become a lot easier. In my case, my husband and at times my mother used to help me out. It's not painful and happens very quickly. Just know in the end it will all be worth it hopefully.
I hate needles,I have complete fear, in the end my OH did them for me. To be honest tho I'm glad he did cos it made him feel part of the process. I prepped them cos he didn't wanna do that bit and he did struggle with doing it emotionally, but it brought us closer together.If u can do them yourself that's great, but if u can't don't worry and don't be hard on yourself.This process is hard enough without being hard on ourselves. You will find the strength to get through every stage no matter how you feel beforehand, focusing on a potential baby will get you through it, it did for me.We ladies are stronger than we think. Good luck xox
Hi Lyn, as a fellow needle fearer I found the needles ok. They are so super small and thin and generally go into the belly that you honestly don't feel it. It's more a quick sting than it been painful. It was suggested to me to try using a piece of ice on the area first, the cold from that stung more than the needle. I found quickly stabbing myself was easier than taking ages. Please try not to worry I promise you this, you can and will do it. Just think squeezing a water melon out at the end of it all will be much harder!! Good luck xx
My technique is really simple but it helped me. I try to be focused and not think about anything, then I breath out slowly as in a yoga class while I am injecting the medication, and in seconds you’ll be done! My injections were not painful at all just a bit itchy at times but the breathing out really helped, you can breath out a bit harder if it hurts a bit. Good luck, after what we go through injections are nothing to be scared of, you can do it! 💪
Think it always worse than actually is and once get started it not too bad. Try get yourself into a nice kind routine which for me is heating my hottie up, easing my belly with a wet wipe-find helps to soothe before and after and then nice something warm and cuppa for when done. Have someone with you if can too. Hopefully it get easier once in routine but think having nice treat for after can help.
You can do it. Think means to a hopefully great end a. Xx
Wishing you lots of luck, I’ll be starting in a few weeks xx
I work in healthcare and have to give people injections and don't have a great of needles, however when it came to injecting myself I found it really difficult! I also didn't want to be able to see my DH do it as I know I would think he was doing it wrong! We asked if it was ok to inject into my bum (so I couldn't see DH do it) and they said that was fine. On our second round of ivf that's what we did and I found it much less stressful! Good luck!
I know exactly how you feel for my first and most of my second attempt I was going to my cousins every night for mine (she’s a nurse and has been for 15years) my partner now does them as I physically can’t do them. To be honest though you hardly feel them I have mine in my belly instead of my leg as you are then going in to fat instead of muscle. Maybe ask if you are ok to do that? It helped me loads!! Good luck chick I start mine again on 21st January.
I have this fear too! I work in a hospital though so hoping I can ask one of the nurses I work with to do it for me🤞 xx
I’m on day five of menopur injections and I was dreading them. I can honestly say they are nowhere near as bad as I thought they would be. I barely feel the needle go in and although it stings a little bit whilst the menopur goes in, it’s over in ten seconds. I really built it up in my head before we started but honestly, they’re ok! Good luck xx
You can use Emla cream which you can purchase online from Weldricks. It's a numbing cream (you can also get Tegaderm film patches on Ebay to cover the cream whilst you waif for it to work) that you have to leave on for an hour but takes the edge off and gave me the confidence to do my own injections and I still get tearful in the GPs when they try and take blood. I did go through 3 ivfs without any and the needles are small and not as bad as I initially thought. Wishing you all the best. x
I’m petrified of needles, hospitals.... anything medical!! I did a week of stimms last week (I’ve stopped my cycle as I didn’t respond as well as expected- would have liked more eggs, but that’s another story!) I was absolutely dreading the injections but they really were fine! My sister bought me a cute ‘hello kitty’ ice pack which I held on my stomach for a few minutes before injecting every time and I hardly felt it! (I don’t really know if this helped because I didn’t try without it) The needles look scarier than they are!! I’m such a baby usually. I’ve never looked at a needle when I’ve had a blood test or injection before and always held my husbands hand so tight you won’t believe! With the stimms it was a team effort for us- he would mix and draw up and I’d inject! Keep in mind that you’re doing these injections in hope of achieving something very special! Your first will be the worst! Then you’ll realise how easy it is and won’t worry about the others half as much! Good luck on your journey!! Xx
Although not *scared* of needles, I was apprehensive of doing the injectiosn myself. Our unit had suggested contacting yur local GP surgery ans asking if a nurse or similar could p[ossibly help. (...or oit could be a friend or family member...). My hubby did mine for the first couple of days, and was happy to conitnue doing so, but I knew there would be the occasional night he wouldn't be there at the right time. Like I said, I'm not "scared" of needles as such but I still had to psych myself up quite a lot.
Also , I found wiritn out a list of exactly what's getting injected and when really helpful and each one got a big tick / scored off when done. That helped me a lot psychologically.
Good luck x
Hi Lyn! Many people are afraid of needles but you have to stay strong. You need to do this for the baby. Baby is worth every pain trust me. My sister had her baby through IVF so I know how hard this must be for you. But stay strong. Good Luck!
I was the same ! I did the first in front off the nurse and I guarantee you are not painful ! I am still in the process and for now so far so good . I suggest you to watch the videos and also to do the first in front off the nurse when you pinch your skins you do not even feel the needle enter inside . So do not worry . I have need phobia and I guarantee you will be fine