How much can people take? 😭 - Fertility Network UK

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How much can people take? 😭

Sunshine92 profile image
11 Replies

Christmas is hard enough when battling infertility, coming on your period boxing day when you’re about to have dinner with 20 family members is excruciating 😞

How do people keep going? I feel like i’m coming to the end of my tether with it all with no end in sight 😪

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Sunshine92 profile image
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11 Replies
Dunla profile image

Christmas is definitely a difficult time. I’ve also had my period the last few days, a lovely heavy / hormonal one 😕 So been feeling quite tearful at times. Had Christmas dinner with in laws yesterday and came home feeling completely exhausted after painting on a smile all day. Sending you a great big hug to help you get through today xxx

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to Dunla

Thank you so much for replying. Im so sorry you’re having to go through this too xx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to Sunshine92

Thinking of you today xx

Saya85 profile image

Oh gosh I so feel for you- but if it's any comfort you're not alone

Sadly quite a few ladies on here have hD bleeding past couple days.

Try and take moments out if you need it. But maybe roll with it and allow yourself to be distracted with 20 ppl (!) And keep busy

Its so shit. I bled on Xmas eve too but it stopped just in time as I headed out for a big family meal

Do what you need to do xx

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to Saya85

Its just so cruel isnt it? I’ve had a little cry this morning. Sadly I think we’re all used to slapping on a fake smile and getting on with it. No Christmas miracle for me. Back to the doctors to try and get them to take me seriously and try something else. Thank you for your words of support xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Sunshine92

Yep@ fake smile

My jaws ached from it

Just reading through your posts it's great you're at least ovulating naturally now

Sometimes it is just a numbers game! 30% of embryos just aren't meant to implant so take heart that if you're ovulating now u can again and hopefully you'll get your news soon.

I wasn't even ovulating on clomid! So ended up IVF route but it's been hard.

Some gynaes and women found inofolic helpful to regulate periods and improve egg quality (mixture of inositol and folic acid. Inositol is found naturally in body and helps liver detoxification too where our hormones are made and processed )

Also regarding short luteal phase-that often means low progesterone too. Of course if you sort the others out you may find it's enough

This link of a recent post may give you some more clues

I really do think there's a lot of hope and positive signs for you and I'm sure you hate to hear it but you are young!

So chin up and keep smiling - soon enough I'm.sure you'll have something to smile for 😊

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Saya85

Ooh just one last thing

Do make sure you have thyroids and vitamin levels checked

Thyroid TSH should be below 2.5 when TTC (they can give you thyroid hormone replacement if it's above it)

And vit D iron folate ferritin and b12 are all important for health fertility and pregnancy

Esp vit D over the winter

Enjoy your dinner (!)

Kari55 profile image

Hi Sunshine92, it is a super hard time. I have enjoyed it because there is no young children in my immediate family yet but also had my moments. My period was late and I had some hope that maybe miraculously I got pregnant just before Xmas. But AF has arrived of course. Then on Xmas day, one of my friends who wasn’t in touch at all for the past 6 months told me that “her belly is growing”. She knew that we can’t conceive for years and I was very disappointed that she waited until Xmas day to tell me and of course I felt again that life is so unfair. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and kept thinking about it. I hope you can cope through today somehow, I can imagine it must be difficult to keep happy face in front of so many people. Sending you lots of strength xx

CBOO1 profile image

Just when you think it can’t get any harder, it does doesn’t it!!! I was meant to be pregnant now, we were due for our IVF last month but it got cancelled the week before, then just to be really cruel my period was 6 days late!! 6!!! I’m never late so I actually got my hopes up thinking how amazing would that be to tell my boyfriend our miracle had happened for Christmas but no! We have just got back from a family party with so many young children & so many friends are having babies or just had them. It’s so hard & so unfair, I want to get off this ride now!!! Xx

Mother nature can be really cruel at times.I can sympathize with you, got a BFN on Friday and then got my period Xmas Eve, got really drunk Xmas Day to get through the day,although did have a lovely time in the end with oh's family. Had such a bad hangover yesterday because I haven't drank for months and had to drag myself out of bed to visit my family and listen to all the talk of babies and family pregnancies, I can't wait for Xmas to be over so I can speak to Consultant about next steps.

It is hard but take time out when you need to and put yourself first. Sending you lots of hugs xxx

Jenp2018 profile image

I feel your pain it's just not fair. I got mine over Christmas too. How can it be so easy for some people and so hard for us. I'm sick of it. Take care x

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