10dp5dt update : So we’re still on this... - Fertility Network UK

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10dp5dt update

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
36 Replies

So we’re still on this big rollercoaster 🎢 yesterday there was more bleeding and red but it’s not heavy, doesnt even show on a pad! By last night it was really light pink!! So I thought it was going......but no got up this morning and the red is back but still not heavy!!

Really don’t no what to think Now but guess we’ll find out tomorrow xxx

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Lisaworthy1981 profile image
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36 Replies
recidwen profile image

Hey. I have my fingers crossed for you and well done for making it this far! When are you testing? xx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to recidwen

Thank you! Testing tomorrow xxx

recidwen profile image
recidwen in reply to Lisaworthy1981

Ohhhh, lots of good luck. Well done for surviving the 2ww without being sectioned. xxxxx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to recidwen

Don’t think I’m off of being sectioned lol!!! Thank you xxx

angelaloves profile image

Good luck! Also 10dp5dt, but scared to test as I’ve been so sick throughout the 2WW. Clinic told me to test on Tuesday. Fingers crossed we both get positive results xxxx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to angelaloves

Good luck to you too!! Oh no poor you hopefully that’s a sign though! Fingers crossed xxx

Saya85 profile image

I'm sorry to hear that Lisa

I don't know if I mentioned this to you earlier but have you considered upping your progesterone ?

That usually stops the bleeding as it can be breaking down due to not enough progesterone - most common cause.

It won't harm it at all and might just help enough until your otd is confirmed either way.

I waited too late as couldn't get through to clinic but once I upped it the bleeding stopped completely

Maybe check with your clinic if they're open

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Saya85

Thank you, I did think this but I spoke to them yesterday and they said just to carry on as normal with the two!

I might just try it though if it won’t do any harm!!

The bleeding is neither here or there, one minute I think it’s gonna come heavy then it’s like hardly there!! So strange! When we had our chemical the bleeding was full on heavy by now so I’m so confused xxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Lisaworthy1981

Only two..? A lot.of. women are on 3 even 4 - they don't test you for anything so it's just whatever the clinic are used to it seems !

So I would definitely up it if I were in your position - obviously you need to do what you're comfortable with.

Nothing to lose and all to gain hopefully x

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Saya85

Oh really I’ve only ever been on two!! I’ll up it but not sure it will make much difference now!

Thank you xxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Lisaworthy1981

Hopefully it does if you haven't got a full bleed but it may not be enough now. But Def for future make sure they review that! Recurrent bleeding should be treated with higher progesterone and maybe even injections for better absorption as dose might be ok but absorption not.

I'm now on lubion injections as others are and pessaries too

Will see if it works this time

Good luck for tomorrow x

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Saya85

Thanks I’ll definitely keep that in mind! Xxx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Lisaworthy1981

I think yours are strong though Lisa, bear that in mind, yours are 400 each aren’t they? I’m on 3 a day but they are 200 each, so you’re technically on 4 a day as I think most people’s capsules are only 200mg each? X

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Scarlett13

Oh god yeah they are!! 🙈🙈

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13

Hi thanks! I was going to come in after work and edit my message to ask exactly that!@how strong they are.

I was actually assuming Lisaworthy1981

was on 400mg 2xday and still recommended upping it.

I was on 400mg cyclogest 3 X day

And now on 400x2 and also lubion inhections

Many take 400mg 3_4x day so it obviously varies a lot from clinic to clinic but shows how high you can take without issues too.

But absolutely we should clarify doses

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Saya85

Oh wow I’m so paranoid I’m not taking enough and wonder if I should take more x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13

Sorry! Don't mean to stress you.

It can vary based on lots of things

Have you had early bleeding in past 2ww's?

Do you ovulate normally and have regular periods generally?

Would you get any spotting in between periods when you were menstrusting ?

If these issues came up before then it's Def worth asking your clinic and upping your progesterone

Otherwise it may be perfectly fine for you to carry on! So don't fret.

However usually if there's multiple failed cycles I do believe they often up progesterone a little so depends if you've been on same protocol (and same pessaries? Before)

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Saya85

Hi yes my first tww I started spotting on day 9 that ended in a chemical! My second transfer frozen I started bleeding on otd but bfn! Now this one!!

I dong normally get spotting between only since starting this!

Xxx I will definitely be asking when we go back if another transfer is required xx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Saya85

Thank you for your info, I’ve upped it to three but think it’s too late to help now! We’ll see though xxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Lisaworthy1981

Fingers crossed!! I really hope it's enough

But certainly if you often bleed (red blood and flow not necessarily OCC brown blood that may be from implantation- but can also be low progesterone too ) and early on in transfers I would definitely bring up progesterone support and changing to injections rather than pessaries alone at your next follow up.

Fingers crossed for you xx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Saya85

Thank you so much for your advice xxx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Saya85

I was on the same dosage of pessaries for my first ivf transfer and came on my period on day 8, so for my last 3 transfers I’ve used IM or lubion injections, but as they are a few hundred quid more expensive, I’ve gone back to pessaries now for my 5th transfer, first private. Same clinic, same protocol, no changes at all...which is why I’m worried about coming in early again and due to lots of failed transfers like you say it may be worth upping my dosage x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13

Hi Scarlett - only you can make that decision along with your clinic.

But if they already gave u lubion previously and you didn't bleed it would make sense to me to up your pessaries at the very least.

Have you had any cramping so far? If not I don't really see the harm in doing so as a preventative measure rather than waiting for a break in the lining which may be too late (as it was for me 😪)

You haven't said what type pessary youre on? I only have experience of utrogestan and cyclogest.

Also we naturally produce less hormones ourselves as we get older- oestrogen also- so you should be on support for both i believe?

They usually give both for 2ww.

It may be the progesterone 'dose' varies between different types of pessary so worth asking your clinic.

Sometimes rectal absorption works better than vaginal also.

Do you have any other hormonal or health issue? Pcos/thyroid/endometriosis ?

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Saya85

I’m on utrogestan 200 x3 daily. I’m 38. Not on any oestrogen support, never been mentioned actually. I had mild endometriosis ablated during a laparoscopy. No other concerns. I have blocked tubes, good AMH. I’m on metformin and DHEA. Never had thyroid tested. No pcos.

Cramping has started just today, 7dp5dt. Thanks for your help! X

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13

You've never had thyroid tested? Even pre IVF?

That is one of the biggest factors in infertility and early miscarriage and it's shocking how many clinics don't test it still whilst others won't even let you start until it's controlled.

It is worth having it tested asap as if you are hypothyroid you will need thyroxine treatment soon and as soon as you are pregnant as your baby relies solely on your thyroid hormone especially first trimester.

Normal thyroid TSH result should be below 4.0

But if you are TTC then it should be below 2.5 and then increased again once pregnant by 25mcg.

NICE guidelines state this (and NHS follow their guidelines but a lot of GPs are still unaware so you may want to mention it.)

I don't want to worry you so please don't stress but as it's something that can be easily tested and treated straight away you may aswell get tested at doctors in meantime

Regarding pessaries If it was me I would up it straight away. I'm sure lots of ladies on here with endometriosis also said they upped progesterone too. If the cramps stop great. If they continue you may want to up again as 200mg 3x day is isn't high.

If you look at HFEA website they say progesterone is the safest added intervention you can take but obviously please do your own research and do what you feel comfortable with.

I just try and raise awareness of something when I see it so at least we're not left in the dark.

Are you not taking any oestrogen/oestradill at all? Evorel patches? Progynova tablets?

Any other meds except pessaries ?

P.s. you can PM me if you wish x

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Saya85

Never had thyroid tested ever, maybe as blocked tubes is my reason for not being able to get pregnant it wasn’t something thought of? But I’ll ask my GP! Thanks for this info x I’m going to up to a 4th pessaries from today then ring my clinic about it on Monday. Not on any oestrogen. I did take progynova when I did my FETs to get my womb lining thick enough but I think that was only up until embryo trabsfer. With my fresh transfers my womb got thick enough with the ivf drugs. Menopur, fyremadel and trigger I took. Apart from pessaries the only other meds I’m on is DHEA until OTD and metformin until OTD. X

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13

Great, hope it works for you.

I'm not as familiar with diff protocols on oestrogen supplements but I know many of us are on it throughout 2ww and further also.

If you have low.oestrogen levels and poor ovulation pre IVF generally I think they give oestrogen as well as progesterone as that is what the body would normally produce. (However Metformin is also used to control insulin resistance and oestrogen binding issues so maybe that's helping.)

That may also be why they are happy with a low progesterone support as no oestrogen?

Tbh sometimes it feels they just guess a number they're comfortable with and stick with it until it fails multiple times!

But certainly you would only produce progesterone when you are pregnant naturally or at time of ovulation..

After a fresh transfer and after egg collection the cells that make progesterone as well as the eggs are removed from your body (I read in an article) so high progesterone is definitely needed.

Good luck - look forward to your news later x

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Saya85

Thank you, you’re so helpful and informative. How’s your ivf journey going? X

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13


I had transfer on Thursday - 2 embryos on board this time

We threw everything at it so im hoping it works but sometimes it's down to just luck whether it implants or not.

If my health stays good, I don't bleed early and my thyroid stays under control I'll be happy enough that we've done what's best at least.

We find out Xmas Eve

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply to Saya85

Ooh exciting! I have 2 in this time (for the first time too). Sounds like you have done so much research, are in good hands, and have done everything that you can - I wish you all the best for Xmas eve xxxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Scarlett13

Thank you.😌 I feel better knowing we've done all we can


Wish you luck too xx

Gosh it really is a roller coaster - keep going - less than 24 hours tomorrow - I am so in awe of your determination resisting testing. Good luck lovely xxxx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to

Oh it sure is!! I’m not feeling positive at all now but we’ll see!!! Don’t think it will be a shock tomorrow if we see a negative xxx

Scarlett13 profile image

Everything crossed for tomorrow xxxxxx

Lisaworthy1981 profile image
Lisaworthy1981 in reply to Scarlett13

Thank you xx

Good luck today Lisa xx

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