I wondered if anyone could advise if your having a transfer either natural or medicated (dont know which our clinic would reccomend) does the process have to start when you get AF?
Preparing for FET: I wondered if anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Preparing for FET

Hi I am waiting to start medicated FET, I don't think my nhs clinic do natural. I had to phone when AF came,just waiting for my schedule to come in the post, but I should start down regging on day 21 which would be 16th dec, do you know roughly when u'll be starting?xo
My embryos are getting tested so waiting for that but started AF on Monday following ET on 15th November. I thought it would all be AF dependent which is a little frustrating as it will mean it will come on the 24th December and the clinic will be closed.... Im worried this would then delay it by another month! x
Yeah I could have started last cycle but with Christmas they delayed till the next 1 so I'll be down regging over Christmas, with scan and transfer (all being well) in January. U could still make this cycle if your starting day 21, my AF came Monday too xo
Haha might be nice to hopefully go through it at the same time as someone. Oh I see.... well all been well if we hear back with the results as planned between 2-3 weeks of testing I would make it.. might call the clinic tomorrow.. would you mind explaining the transfer process? They haven't let me know what that entails yet. Xx
I think I down regging for 3 weeks, then I'll be taking tablets to help with the lining, I am not 100%how long I'll be on them, I'll be having scan around 12th Jan (I think) and starting progesterone then, they said it'll be double the amount of progesterone than I was on during fresh which I'm not looking forward to 😕and then transfer hopefully week after scan.I have meds already,got them at appointment on 19th.Hopefully u'll get to start this month, would be good to have a cycle buddy ☺xo
It won't necessarily delay it another month. In my case I didn't even need to go to the clinic, the Dr had left written instructions and prescriptions with me when we did egg collection. I just messaged him when my period started and he repeated the instructions. The only time I physically had to see him was for ultrasound I think on about day 9.
It will depend what protocol they put you on, but if your clinic can pass that to you beforehand you could start taking medication (or not, if it's natural) during the holidays and be ready for the first scan just after the new year.
Hope it works out xxx
As far as I know, you're right that NHS doesn't do natural transfers... it's just the medicated FET. Well, I don't have real experience as I'm about starting on IVF in Jan 2019 but have been reading voraciously on anything I can lay my hands on. I think the clinics, however, do have an option for imitating the menstrual cycle with medications where the transfers are not dependent on natural cycle... isn't it?
Good luck with your first ivf cycle, hope it goes well. xox
I did a sort of semi-medicated one with no downregging but starting estradiol the day after my period started and progesterone about 6 days before transfer. So yes, had to wait for AF to come before we could start.
Natural I don't know but I imagine they'll also want to start from the beginning of a cycle to monitor ovulation properly?
I've read in several places that some clinics who imitate the cycle use Lupron for suppressing ovulation while preparing the body for transfer. It's like Lupron Inj. then they induce AF using some form of progestin (Provera probably is the common one) and then estrogen and lastly progesterone (usually as pessaries) to adjust to the day of the embryo to commence the FET finally. Not sure if it's the standard protocol. I mean I haven't been through it just read so trying clear out in a way to prepare for my own rounds of IVF. I hope you understand it's like the more you know the process and what can happen or what to expect the easier it becomes or at least you don't get tensed and panicky about it all. As a part of the information acquired from the clinic, I've received a briefing from the clinic stating me the very basic process of ICSI+IVF... with the added note that the exact process is somewhat customised to the specific case if needed.
I am having a medicate FET transfer. Currently on meds and have my first scan on Monday. It’s our first transfer since my miscarriage, so I’m scared and at the same time excited!!!! It’s going to be along weekend
Yes both natural and medicated require AF as a starting point (this is to make sure you have shed any old endometrium lining and a new thick lining can be built to receive the embryos )
Fet is much quicker turnaround than fresh cycle. If you have regular periods, don’t have PCOS, generally have good lining etc then you will most likely have a natural fEt.
Medicated is usually for those with irregular periods, premature ovulation, PCOS or lining issues to get rid of any unknowns in the cycle. If you don’t have periods at all or very infrequent they will give u a mini pill to start AF.
If medicated FET:
Part 1)
you may have injections (e.g cetrotide) for 7 days to prevent any premature ovulation once AF starts (days 2-7)
Also oestrogen tablets/patches to rebuild new lining throughout the FET cycle.
This is what makes it a medicated cycle because they are overriding your natural luteal phase.
Part 2)
You'll usually have a scan about day 10-14 after your period starts. (This is to monitor your lining to see if thick enough for transfer. If not they will adjust your oestrogen meds and rescan you.
Once your lining is deemed thick enough they will advise you to take progesterone supplements (pessaries/injections) and if deemed required by your consultant depending on your infertility issues they may also start blood thinners and steroids around this time (this should all be discussed at your consultation beforehand)
Part 3)
The actual ET takes place about a week later. (Around day 21 of your cycle to mimic when natural ovulation would take place).
So assuming no delays- you’re wrapped up within a month of starting AF.
Then it’s just a 2 week wait for OTD as usual.
If it’s a natural cycle they will skip part 1 and possibly give you some progesterone support after your scan but the rest usually stays the same.
As you can see - as long as you have your meds you don’t need to rely on clinic being open etc to see you until day 12-14.
So you could potentially start meds over Christmas in your next cycle. However considering the side effects can be unpleasant you might want to enjoy the festive period instead and start the new year with much needed energy 🙂
Hope that helps and good luck
Thank you super helpful! xx
Just to let you know that my clinic wanted several cycles between my EC and my FET, in the end I managed to get them to do it with my March period after I had my post EC bleed in February, this was quicker than they could get all the paperwork in place as they wouldn’t let me book my consultant appointment until I had my PGD results back, which took until mid-feb. So I ended up paying for the first part of my drugs because they couldn’t get the prescription processed in time (I asked to be able to do this rather than wait another month).
In my case I did a semi-medicated FET which did not involve down regulation and started on day 2 of my period. If I had been down regulating then it would have started on day 21 and been a longer process.
Good luck with your PGD results x