Went for scan today & I have a cyst so our IVF has been cancelled this month. We were due to be going on Sunday, so close 😢😢😢 gutted!!!!
Treatment cancelled 😢: Went for scan... - Fertility Network UK
Treatment cancelled 😢

This must be so hard 😔 I’m so sorry. Wishing you all the best for the next time xxx
I am so sorry to read this. Just know that they would go ahead if they thought you had best chance. They can deal with the cyst then go and you are more likely then to have success. Xx

Thank you, yeah we’ve only really got the one shot at this (unless there ends up being any frozen ones) so has to be right xx
I’m sorry to read this, especially when you are going abroad for treatment too. Sending you big hugs 💕 xx
I'm so sorry to read this, I can't imagine how gutted you must feel. If you can try and think of the positive in that when you do start treatment you will be in the best possible health! x
Oh that’s so disappointing for you, I’m sorry. I hope you can get going very soon xx
So sorry that you have had bad news! It's not been easy for you recently but maybe you can use this extra time to get prepared again for when it does go ahead. I know you would probably prefer to be doing your cycle but maybe you can make the most of the Christmas festivities and enjoy the time before you have to start again xx
Yeah it’s been a shocking time lately! I feel like so much has gone wrong this month that we should just draw a line under it & move on! I’m positive I’m going to be cracking open the mulled wine very soon now!!! Xx
Hi sorry to hear this. So disappointing. Atleast it will be resolved before you start the treatment. Then you have more of a chance of IVF working. Good luck x
I'm sorry about this. Please hang in there, it will happen soon x
Oh so sorry to hear this- I had this happen to me- but we weren’t going abroad that time- it’s gutting when you have to change all your plans and you were working up to it and planning around it - it’s such a rollercoaster ride- I feel for you - but yes a few mulled wines at Xmas will be nice too- a small consolation I know. X
I’ve had 2 rounds postponed due to a lingering cyst, and my sister had had one! My uk clinic just postponed me to the next month and the cyst was gone, whereas my sister was put on the pill for 7 days And rescanned and the cyst was gone! I totally understand how you are feeling, it’s so disappointing when you have mentally prepared yourself but it will be for the best! Xx
I’m so sorry to read this 💜 wishing you the best of luck when your treatment continues xxx
This happened to me too. It's really upsetting to be so close then told you can't. Mine was a cist on the outside of my fallopian and wouldn't of caused any problems what so ever. Hopefully yours will be too and next month you can start. Good luck xxx
I have a haemorrhagic cyst in one of my ovaries. I didn’t know this was even a possibility of happening or I don’t think I would of booked the flights or air bnb & left it till the last minute. Thank you for all your messages it does mean a lot xx
Awww Im really sorry, its horrible when it was all so close! Hopefully it isnt too long until you can get this resolved to try again!xx
Really sorry to hear this, know how frustrating delays are- I’ve had to put my trying on hold many times because of endo & surgeries. But as others have said the cyst could affect/reduce your chances of treatment working & ultimately whilst it’s annoying you want to know the treatment has the best chance. Really hope this gets resolved quickly & you can get going again soon xoxo
That's bloody disappointing having that happen when you are ready to do something only to be told it's not happening.
One thing I hate is when I have made a real effort to do something and have it result in nothing!