So this morning I had only 2 eggs collected and these will be fertilised through ICSI, so just waiting to hear tomorrow. Has anyone any experience of such a low egg turn out and any success??
2 eggs collected: So this morning I had... - Fertility Network UK
2 eggs collected

I’m sure there has been success on here from just a couple of eggs, maybe even just one egg but I can’t remember names now. Hopefully someone will have a “good ending” to share with you.. Good luck xx
I can vouch for having seen success on here too but as Tugsgirl said I cant remember who it was. Wishing you so much luck.xx
Wishing you lots of luck for fertilisation and transfer xx
As they say it only takes one!! Keep thinking positive and wishing you lots of luck. x
I haven’t done IVF but didn’t want to read & run. It does only take one embryo to work 😍 hopefully the two embryos will continue to flourish & will be the only ones that you’ll need. Quality over quantity I think! Good luck xoxo
I had success with just the one egg collected - I am 24 weeks now with a girl on the way, best of luck with it xx
Massive congratulations xxx
Anything is possible, just stay positive xx
Sending you loads of luck.
I’m similar - EC booked for Friday with low follicle count. Not sure we’ll get many eggs. We’re having ICSI too.
Like others have said, it only takes one good egg and one good sperm to make a dream come true. 🤞🏻 xx
It really is true that one is all you need. I had a few more collected but only one was
good enough to go back in. I was upset that there weren't any left over to freeze at the time but that one egg worked and I'm 34 weeks pregnant now xx
Thank you all for all the reassurance 😘
I had ivf and only had 4 eggs retrieved. 3 fertilised, then one stopped developing leaving me with 2 blastocysts. Our first transfer was unsuccessful but our little miracle frozen embryo is now my beautiful son. It really only takes one!
I'm a bit gutted that we don't have anything left in the freezer but I have my son, and we'll just have to hope we can give him a sibling somehow, someday.
Best of luck!
Total newbie here, this is my first post!
I read your post and just felt that I wanted to tell you it can work, we have a beautiful son as proof. He was our 4th cycle and the only egg to be collected. Day 2 transfer, rated the highest quality. It’s definetly about quality not quantity. Keep believing, it can happen. Wishing you all the good luck xx
These stories are so inspirational, thank you xxx
Hi eltel81 like Jess wrote is quality over quantity take just this one . My first cycle they collected I think 11 eggs they transferred morula and blastocyst...but nothing to freeze...that was few years ago. Over 2 years ago they only collected 5 eggs..3 of them was fertilised (both cycle icsi) went down to two ..from that they freeze one and from one transferred we got 18 Months old baby girl. Fingers crossed for u Hun for fertilisation and transfer 🍀xx
Good luck xx
Thank you XX