I’m 7dp5dt and I’m freaking out abit today I must admit! I’m due to test on Saturday and I’m terrified xx
2WW buddies..how’s everyone doing today? - Fertility Network UK
2WW buddies..how’s everyone doing today?

Good morning,
5dp5dt , in pain right now, but coping.
Isn't early to test on Saturday? X
Oh no! What stomach cramps? Might be a good sign! My OTD is Saturday xx
Stomach pain is not as bad as lower abdomen pain.
I phoned my clinic and they told me to wait 2 weeks to test ,however, I noticed many lovely ladies test on their 12th day post transfer the same as you ! 🤔
How about you? Any symptoms? X
Wow them 7days flew by!! I’m 9dp3dt and due to test on Friday. I now get it when people say it seems to be the longest wait. I feel ok about the test at the moment, but ask me again Thursday evening 😂
I’m 10dp5dt and only two days till OTD. Not had a single symptom. I did get a UTI just before transfer (probably from pessaries) and am currently on a second lot of antibiotics for that, as it came back after I finished the first lot. Not sure what to think. Heart starts racing every time I think about testing. :S
I totally feel with you! My period is due on Saturday/Sunday and I really dont know how I am going to survive another negative outcome. My body feels weird and my emotions are all over the place, yesterday I forgot my key at home and needed to go back home (not a big deal at all) but I just started to cry and I had to sit down for a while. I am looking forward to my upcoming holiday to reset my nerves.
You are here in good company and we can keep you busy and hopefully help you to stay relaxed I cross all my fingers for you!
Oh bless you. I’m a nervous wreck too. Is it your second round or first?
Thank you. Just feels like it’s going to be the longest week ever xx
Im am not having IVF yet, just having injections to trigger as I do not ovulate naturally, but the SA of my husband looks normal. It is my 9th round though. I need to keep telling myself that it definitely did not work otherwise I will be destroyed (I will be anyway). Hy husband is away this week, so I am sitting at home all alone...I am not reading any symptoms and I wont test.
Lets just all hope for a very positive result Especially when it is your first round!
It’s good that you’re managing to stay away from symptom spotting and google! Wish I could say the same!
Thank you. Wishing you luck too cx
Hi! I’m 5dp5dt, this is my third transfer and my first frozen transfer! Trying my best not to over anylse all my symptoms this time. Wishing everyone lots of baby dust xxx
Hi KirstyBlue and fellow 2wwers 🤗 I'm 5dp5dt and doing ok I think. Sometimes it's all I can think about then other times I completely forget and when I remember it all just feels so surreal. When I imagine testing I feel quite sick. It's the not knowing that is just the worst!
Love to you all - we will get there 💪🙏 xx
When are you testing? And when was your transfer? X
Transfer was 7/11 and OTD is 18/11 xx
Mine was on the 8th so I should be testing on the 19th apparently. So we almost same time lol
Let's keep strong and carry on
Let's defeat this monster 2ww 💪👍
My transfer was the 7th (5 day transfer also) and they said to test on the 19th! I was going to do it on the 18th anyway lol. Best of luck xxx
Yay OTD buddies! I'm actually away this weekend with some girlfriends - so typical the one time I go away without hubby the whole year and it's OTD! I think I'm going to test in the evening of OTD once I get home, although worried it might not work if I'm not using first morning wee. The things we have to consider...
Wishing you lots of luck for your test! xx
I’m 10dp5dt and today is my OTD, feeling really nervous! Been having lots of what could be symptoms but they could also be the progesterone so trying not to get my hopes up. They’ll call tonight with my results. Wishing everyone lots of luck xx
Good luck!! Have you not taken a Home pregnancy test? Xx
Fingers crossed, my OTD is tomorrow and I feel sick!! Hope clinic brought good news xx
Good luck for tomorrow. Have you had any signs? X
I hope your okay..not sure what the outcome was for you xx
Positive ❤️✌️🤞
Amazing! Congratulations! Did you have many signs? I don’t feel confident at all x
I wasn’t feeling confident these last few days I’ve just felt like my period is imminent but still no bleeding and a lovely little x on my test strip! Feels pretty surreal right now!
I had my transfer one week ago today (does that make me 7dp5dt or 8dp5dt??). My official test date is Wednesday. I have every symptom under the sun at this point - cramps, back ache, headache, nausea. Today I can't stand strong smells - ladies' perfumes on the bus made me nauseous.
I must admit I was naughty this morning and did a home test - I couldn't hold on any longer after a weekend of being by myself I was going round the bend!!! I know it is far too early and could show a false positive from the trigger shot. But I do have two lines!! (one fainter than the other but definitely, definitely there). It's the first two lines I've ever seen on a test, in over two years of ttc. Will test again tomorrow to check they are still there.
Hey, due to test tomorrow!
Few symptoms like stomach and so (already done few tests, which are positive so far) but I’m so scared about chemical pregnancy again....
Completely with you. Feeling so nervous whenever I think about testing on Sunday. Almost just don’t want it to come, as at least now there’s some hope! Oh dear. Keep trying to tell myself whatever happens it will all be ok. We just need to keep strong 💪💛x
You’re on the count down now. Good luck for Saturday xx
Good luck to all testing today.
I haven’t had anymore spotting (so praying it was implantation) 🙏 No further cramping, have had diarrhoea a couple times in one week which is unusual for me (sorry tmi).again could be pessary related. Just not sure what to think anymore. 🙈 x
I am 6dp3dt, I have been completely relaxed but for some reason today I am freaking out. Driving myself crazy, such tense shoulders. Wish I could go sleep and only wake up on test day on 20th 🤦🏻♀️

Same here - 6dp5dt and suddenly feeling quite despondent and anxious. Maybe there's a 6dp syndrome or something?! I found egg transfer such an amazing and hopeful experience and felt on a high for the first days of waiting. But all the positive energy seems to have drained away somewhere aargh! My test day is Sunday which feels scarily close and ages away at the same time. This is not fun! 😬
Yes, I remember with my other transfers I felt the same around this time. Perhaps at the beginning we know 2 weeks is far away but from about day 6 then test day start getting closer and the fear starts taking over 🙈. I keep thinking my embryos are gone, then I put a face mask on and completely freaked out thinking perhaps it has chemicals that will harm my embryos so I ran and washed it off!! I think im loosing my sanity 😱
P.s- good luck for Sunday, fingers crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞

Thank you! Fingers crossed for you too. At least we can all go crazy together while we wait 🙈 xx
I feel the same, like I was fairly calm up to yesterday. Keep trying to tell myself its still so early so impossible to tell xx
Me too, I am so tempted to just test but I know that would just be stupid, its way too early. Good luck, keep us updated on your progress xx
Oh dear, I am doing it again. Reading into my symptoms
I am 8/9dpo, period due on Sunday/monday latest. I had a progesterone ovulation test on monday and the nurse told me it is over the moon (they want to see 20ng/ml and mine wss 56!). Throughout yesterday I had some stinging/pulling pain in my lower abdomen, it reminded me of my HSG some while ago. During the day I got so tired, I had to leave work, I was not only tired but utterly exhausted, like my body wont listen to my brain any more and the pain was worse. I had to get up twice tonight to go to the toilet and this morning It feels like I am having an UTI (no pain during weeing though), and my CF got really watery. Plus my BBT raised from.a stable 38.8 to 37.1.
All of this is giving me so much hope but I just know that my body is only playing tricks on me and my period will come I really dont know how I am going to survive the wait! And my husband is away for work
It’s so difficult to stay away from google isn’t it! All of your symptoms do sound promising but hang on in there till test day!
I’m 8dp5dt..I had a couple days of spotting but now nothing. Just want to feel something. The closer it’s getting the more I’m wanting to get symptoms 😫 xx
I understand, but you can well be pregnant without having symptoms. Sunday is getting closer
I am deeply convinced I am just having a bladder infection.
What makes say that? I mean bladder infection???!!!
I have to go to the loo roughly every half hour or so and I am having a weird prickling sensation in my lower abdomen which is sometimes even slightly painful. I try getting some pharmacy test later today and then call my GP.
Good luck
Me, pain when I wee(sorry) , however, on the transfer day had a urine test and it was okay no infection. So with these medications, I reckon, our bodies are in mess. Poor we are lol . X
Haha you are right Well, only a couple more days then we know. We both might know the same day! I really cross my fingers for you and all the others testing soon!
How are you feeling, kirstyblue? Any symptoms?
I’m okay thanks, no more spotting. I’ve had the odd moment where I’ve felt slightly sick..then I wonder if I’m just going crazy and just over thinking things. How about you? Xx
Sick ? Me hunger in the morning and very slightly sick still get pain but it's getting better. Sore boobs but these can be caused by the pessaries( progesterone) so I'm not counting on it plus period like pain on/ off no spotting at all. Thanks x
Let's wait and see
It’s so good to read all the comments from the other 2WW buddies. I am due to test on the 21st so one week to go. I’m convincing myself it hasn’t worked to self preserve I think!! Thanks Kirsty and everyone for sharing! Hope you’re ok and feeling ok. Good luck everyone. X 🙏🏼