Hey Ladies, I'm just entering the second week of my 2ww today after IUI number 4 (and going slowly round the twist as per usual for me). I was wondering if anyone else was at the same stage. Thought it would be nice to see who was with me.
2ww buddies: Hey Ladies, I'm just... - Fertility Network UK
2ww buddies

I'm nearly at the end of mine and I've been going crazy since 7dpo! I've just done a Clomid cycle whilst waiting for my IVF consultation. Only 1 day to go...Good luck! 😁

Good luck to you too. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. X

I also did a clomid cycle whilst waiting for IVF number 2 so we really are on the same path.
I've had IUI too with no luck, but hoping it's fourth time lucky for you. Why is it so hard for some couples?! AF is due on Wednesday and I'm so tempted to test but I don't think I can deal with seeing 1 line. Also, I get to stay in my bubble of hope for a bit longer!

Hope test day brought you a good result. I got pregnant on my second IUI but it didn’t last. I failed miserably at my IVF, only ending up with 1 embie so I was reluctant to try that again too soon. However I’ve signed up for the 3 ivf money back plan at care. I’ve decided that if that doesn’t work then I’m calling it a day. Fingers crossed for your bfp. Xx
Thanks for thinking of me. Unfortunately AF has started. I'm at work in bits as I had high hopes for this month. Good luck with your present going forward. I really hope it works. Such a rubbish journey xx

I’m so sorry to hear that. It is indeed a rubbish journey. I keep telling myself that sometimes life work out best when you don’t get what you want but I never believe myself. It just seems so unfair. Wishing you strength to survive this and try again. Xx
I remember the 2ww torture well! Wishing you lots of luck xx
You will get by, just rest loads, stay happy and have good healthy food.
Wishing you a BFP at the end of 2ww. 😘
You’re 4 days ahead of me, I think! Already going crazy!
Wishing you lots of luck my otd is Thursday and can feel these last few days are going to be bad xx

Good luck for Thursday. I’m the same every time, fine(ish) in the first week then a mess in the second week.
Good luck ladies xxx
Good luck. Wishing happy outcomes for you all xxx