I know there are lots of people on here in the 2WW. How are we all doing? I’ve been cramping for a while now so obviously convincing myself it hasn’t worked whilst also fluctuating with its too early to tell! 🤪🤪. Thinking of you all xx
How’s everyone doing on the 2WW? - Fertility Network UK
How’s everyone doing on the 2WW?

Hi Hifer I’m 7dp5dt today, convinced that it hasn’t worked. Was tempted to test earlier in the week but I’m dreading to test on my otd (Sunday). Don’t really want to deal with the disappointment of a bfn. I feel like time is running out for me to use my own eggs. How common is it to use donor eggs nowadays I wonder?! I think I’m ok with the idea but my husband probably doesn’t agree. How about you? Feeling optimistic? I love hearing positive stories on here xx
I think it's more common that you know! People dont talk about it much however I've seen a heap of ladies use DE here...maybe I've just been here too long!🤔🤷🏼♀️xx
I’m using donor eggs and think it is quite common but maybe ppl don’t really talk about it. My clinic in Spain primarily focus on donor eggs and they are a very busy clinic 😉.
Hello Gem do you have to stay in Spain for a long period of time each cycle using DE? X
My husband popped over for the day to give his sample, then on transfer day I decided to stay a few days but I could have easily traveled back the same day. I would advise staying a week though as it’s more relaxing 😉
I have 2 rounds on DE and 3 rounds with my own. Right now I'm 8dp5dt. I am having a blood test tomorrow but I'm sure it hadn't worked I had mild cramping today but I'm sure it's too late. Dont think it's worked. I was tempted to test early but dont want to know. Prefer living in hope
I’ve had mild cramping right from transfer. I thought it was just getting over the transfer at first but it’s lasted all the way up until now. The problem is that period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are the same as we all know. It’s such a nightmare. Thinking of you tomorrow 🤞🤞xx
I know exactly how you feel believe me!! I’m 6dpt so my OTD is Monday. I’d say it was very common to use donor eggs these days. I’ve got one more embryo in the chiller and then we will probs go for donor eggs. My last egg collection was pretty traumatic and also my consultant doesn’t necessarily think another egg collection would be a good idea/ worth it. That’s not confirmed but both myself and my husband are very happy with donor eggs if that’s the next step for us. At this stage we’d be happy with anything that works 😊. You probably just need to get used to the idea? I don’t know how I’m feeling other than insane!!! Not optimistic as having these cramps. Wish I could be more positive!! You haven’t got long to go now 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞xxx
Hi Hifer, I am nervous. I am just trying to tell myself to enjoy the last few days of “not knowing”. How wonderful that both you and your husband are happy to use DE as a next step. While you may not need to (fingers crossed for your BFP on Monday) it is excellent to know where you going next. I have looked at some DE info from American clinics, the choices are vast but it is super costly. I’d need to win the lottery to go down that route haha x
It is helped that we have talked about it for a really long time. Once it’s out in the open it’s much more normal and easy to deal with. You’re right America is the cream of the crop with regards to IVF. I know someone that spent 200k on their 2 children (with donor eggs) there and don’t regret a penny. Sadly we don’t have that kind of cash. However there are loads of places in Spain, Crete, Athens and all over that have excellent clinics and loads of ladies on here will be able to point you in the right direction. I don’t know nearly enough to be able to advise but plenty of others can. That’s our next step 🙂🙂. Plus you get a holiday out of it 😉. Loads of luck to you xx
I came late to the game and even though lots of follicles, low amh so I went fur donor eggs as thought this would be my best chance. Good luck in whatever you decide x
Hey lovely!! I'm actually freaking out....full swing nuts!!🤪 Im analysing my boobs in the mirror. Checking how they feel, asking hubby. Dont know if Im cramping, constipated, got wind, peeing a lot, more tired than usual, dreaming more than usual......! I am an official loony tune!!🤣🙈 Glad to hear you are coping well!!🤣🤣🤯🤯🤯🤯xxx
Excellent glad it isn’t just me!! Me too! Always analysing my boobs, cramps, headaches, tiredness, mood swings etc so like you say I’ve got the whole thing totally under control 🤪🤪🤪. It’s such a long way to OTD!! Might go to bed tonight and get up on Monday 😂🤣xx
Oh yes! Weird dreams! Forgot that one 😂🤣👌🏻🎉
Glad to know it isn’t just me. I think my hubby has had enough of me actually. He did say he thinks I’ve lost my mind offered to go out and buy multiple test to put my mind at rest. 🤣🤣
He has taken the phone and iPad in the evenings to stop me googling 🥺
Oh excellent plan. You have a very sensible hubby! He knows what’s best for you. Xx
I am due to test on Sunday too. Feels like the longest 2 weeks ever!! Am convinced hasn’t worked but trying to stay positive and resist testing early. Good luck everyone x x
Hey Hifer! I’m just over here in my 9dp5dt crazy corner burning out my finger on google 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
I’ve gone from cramps to nothing with my head doing the ‘in and out the dusty blue bell dance’ with my could it be positive ????...probably negative ????....chat in my head 🤯🤯🤯🤯😳😱😰🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Now I feel normal and just don’t know 🤦🏼♀️
I’ve lost my appetite , probably because of sub conscious fear about OTD , and my fav symptom today was my avalanche of clunky pink progesterone gel that paid me a visit this morning . 😁😆😆😆🤮 waaaaaay too late for implant bleed and probs just cervix irritation from all this crap 🤪
So weird to stand at the end of a 2ww and wish I was back at the start where things were more hopeful .....before my head got in the way and ruined everything 🤣🤪😂😂😂😂
Such fun 😂💐
Rhinocatx 😘💖
Hahahaha. Don’t mean to laugh at your insanity (😉😂) but your message really made me laugh. You have probably voiced exactly what everyone is going through very accurately!! If it makes any difference my bum now feels like a pin cushion from all the injections. At least we can all laugh whilst we are loosing our minds 😂🤣🤯😳🥴xx
Ha ha ha "in and out the dusty blue bells"!! Are you scottish????xxx
Nope, close enough Northern Irish / Ulster Scots to some 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
Ahhh ha ha ha we used to do that dance at primary/little school in Scotland! Lol brings back so many memories....bloody love it! I think you've officially made me pee my pants normal!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
We did it too 😂🤣😂🤣👌🏻 the hearts of N.I./Scots might as well be one 😘 glad I made you laugh and pee a little 😁😄😄🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😘
I’m 5dp5dt no real symptoms a bit of lower back ache and tired, pretty sure tiredness is the meds. Boobs are a bit sore but I don’t think as sore as when I got my BFP! Argh it’s such a mind game! Hope you’re doing ok xx
Yep I’m exhausted too but that was the case before transfer so, like you, think it’s the meds. We can do this 🤞🤞xx
Awaiting eagerly the results of everyone's 2WWs. (You're right it does seem to be quite a few people on here!). Hoping for good news for everyone!
I’m just 3dp5dt . Been having slight cramps and praying it’s positive signs. My BT is scheduled for 17th which seems like forever away. Prayers for everyone at this stage
Hi everyone I'm 12dpt 5 day FET. I'm testing a day early which is tomorrow wish me luck. 😢 I feel so negative , one moment I feel positive then the next down in the dumps convinced it hasn't worked . I just want a sore boob 😂 never thought I would say that. The only possible symptoms for me is severe sneezing possibly from the cold I have had, extreme dizziness getting up yesterday morning and sorry to be gross CM which looks like snot 🤮but definitely not an infection. Aw and very strange dreams. I have everything crossed for all you lovely ladies ❤️
Loads of luck for tomorrow 🙏🙏. We will all be thinking of you. It’s such a roller coaster isn’t it! The flipping between positive and negative! Everything crossed for you xx
Thanks higher it's tourcher. I failed my last cycle so praying this is going to be our luck this time xxx
OTD tomorrow for me but... I don't want to test! Seeing that stark 'Not pregnant' is just the worst 😭 I'm super low right now because my beloved Grandma passed away yesterday 💔 and it's just broken my heart. I was in Brussels when it happened so have guilt for being away the one day I should have been here and wasn't (I had to go for work). I've been by her side every day for 6 weeks but the day I wasn't, we lost her 😢😢 Work has been tough enough during the 2WW but this has just slayed me. I'd do anything for a positive tomorrow but something is telling me this hasn't worked 😣💔💔 Hope others are doing better! 🤞xx
Oh gosh you poor thing. What an awful thing to go through at the best of times let alone in the 2WW. You were there for her. Every day for 6 weeks and she would have massively appreciated that. It absolutely wasn’t your fault that you had to go away for work so don’t feel guilty about it. Sending lots of love to you for your loss and obviously keeping everything crossed for tomorrow xx
Hi AuroraXen I just wanted to say I'm really sorry to hear about your lovely grandma. It's normal to feel guilty about not being there the exact time, the exact day but sometimes our loved ones want to protect us and choose these moments to slip away. I was with my mum just before she died and her last words to me were "you go now and have a nice big sleep".... thinking of others until the end ❤️😥 She knew that you loved her you can be sure of that and she loved you in return. P.S. hope I haven't made you cry as much as I just made myself cry xxx hugs to you
My BT is on Wednesday and I am totally losing my mind. This is my first IVF and this 2ww is just been terrible for me. I have been doing home tests (the paper type) and it's all been negative.. one minute I am telling myself it's too early the next I am freaking out that it's all over. It's day 8, post 5DT for me.
Meanwhile I am worrying for two because we had embryos transferred to a surrogate too. I don't know how I will cope if doesn't work for at least one of us.
I am practically having panic attacks.
Aside from cramps no symptoms, my breasts don't hurt at all .
All the best to us all..