Stillbirth risk after IVF: Hi all, I... - Fertility Network UK

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Stillbirth risk after IVF

Ekjones86 profile image
23 Replies

Hi all,

I wasn't sure where to ask this question so thought I would try here first. I am just coming upto 34 weeks pregnant after my first round of IVF and over 5 years of TTC. I have read in various places that there are risks (mainly stillbirth) if you go over 40 weeks/full term. I voiced these concerns to my midwife who was incredibly unhelpful and just said "well I've never heard that. There is a risk of stillbirth with any pregnancy." And then shut the topic down. As my due date gets closer this concern won't stop niggling away at me. Maybe I'm being paranoid? If anyone has any further information on this it would be very much appreciated!

Thank you so much in advance 😊 xxx

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Ekjones86 profile image
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23 Replies

I went nearly two weeks over due date as my hospital don’t treat IVF patients any differently if there are no other risk factors. I think everywhere have different protocols as to whether your allowed to go over xx

Ekjones86 profile image
Ekjones86 in reply to

Thank you! It does seem a bit of a postcode lottery once again doesn't it. You've put my mind at rest 😊

(I'm also due on the 12 December and not too keen on a Christmas day baby 🙈 What will be will be!) Xx

in reply to Ekjones86

It really does feel like that and having conflicting information always makes you feel more anxious.

I hated being overdue as it set my nerves into overdrive worrying that something would go wrong but thankfully everything was ok. They normally offer a sweep after a week I think so hopefully that will bring baby on xx

Ekjones86 profile image
Ekjones86 in reply to

Yes this is it isn't it! There are different opinions everywhere you turn which doesn't help at all.

I know I will be the same if (and I'm 95% sure I will as my mum did with both me and my brother) I go overdue. I will be the weirdo at the midwife drop in centre requesting sweeps from 39 weeks lol! xx

in reply to Ekjones86

Ha ha my sweep didn’t even work for me. Hopefully if I get a next time I will be requesting another csection so I won’t have to wait. Think it was the slowest two weeks of my life xx

There are so many different opinions on this. I was told that I would be induced at 40weeks as it was an IVf pregnancy but no explanation at. I did some research and Looked at the royal college of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and it’s question bank suggests that IVF alone is not a big enough risk factor to have induction. I spoke to a midwife who said it wasn’t hospital policy and couldn’t understand why the junior dr had said this so I am going back to the team at 34 weeks to clarify. I think if you have no other risk factors and baby growing well, there is not much evidence for induction but different hospitals have different policies. If you don’t feel happy with the answer, push for more! X

Ekjones86 profile image
Ekjones86 in reply to

Maybe that's what it is - the IVF alone is a risk factor but they need 3 or more to consider you as high risk?

Maybe your junior dr had trained elsewhere originally and that's what was done in a different district. It's such a minefield! I start antenatal on Thursday so will ask a bit more about it then. I just wanted to get other people's opinions first as it is all so conflicting!

I'm sure that everything will be fine - the worry never ends does it! xx

NsKaz profile image

My consultant told me that they often induce Ivf mothers before or around 40 weeks but that it was mainly to do with the potential anxiety of the mother...?! I think it does depend on the hospital. I was initially high risk (cos of IVF) then my consultant down graded me to low risk as I was “taking it all in my stride” as she said. Then I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and back up to high risk. Was induced at 38w5d in the end.

A girl I met at yoga (also an ivf pregnancy) was allowed to go full term and had an elective c section so really do think it depends on the individual xx.

Ekjones86 profile image

Really?! You would imagine that any mother would be anxious about going over though - not just one that has conceived via IVF?!

Definitely sounds as though it depends on the hospital/district. I looked into elective c-section but don't think they would allow me to do it on the basis of IVF alone. It's just difficult to not get paranoid lol. I've been so calm through the whole IVF process, and the pregnancy so the whole journey is nearing the end I am worrying!

Thank you so much for replying :) xx

Lovefood1984 profile image

Same boat, 38+5 today and the midwife I saw today (not my usual one) said it’s hospital policy to induce IVF at 40 weeks if baby hasn’t arrived but here is where it gets tricky, I’m down with one health board for midwife and another for birth hospital as I chose to use another local one but with a different trust (newer (own room even if kept in, no wards on maternity), easier to get to, easier/cheaper to park) so I’m going back next week at 39+5 for a sweep and to see what my midwife wants to do about getting me induced at the other hospital and whether they are as bothered or not 🤷‍♀️ Had to almost fight the blooming receptionist for an appointment though, midwife I saw had IT issues at my local GP so I had to ask at desk, she said to make sure I got one, receptionist said they were all gone and then asked how far along I was before creating me one in the afternoon even though I said the midwife said I had to have one 🙄 Baby is currently 3/5 engaged so perhaps I won’t need it after all 😉 oh and I’m dreading going into labour 😂 xxx

Ekjones86 profile image
Ekjones86 in reply to Lovefood1984

Blimey your situation sounds really complicated!! But as you say, it sounds as though you probably won't need any intervention at all (fingers crossed!!)

Wishing you the best of luck with everything. Such an exciting time! Xxx

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to Ekjones86

Thanks! Let’s hope the added complexity pays off and I have a good experience (was hard enough just getting the 24hr maternity number for the hospital 😂) Best of luck to you too xxx

I had an appointment with a doctor at the hospital this morning to go through my thoughts on being induced and whether I want to be booked in on my due date. I declined.

The doctor told me that 5 years ago IVF pregnancies would have to be induced if labour hadn't started spontaneously by the due date, but that there isn't enough evidence to warrant doing this. She said the risk of stillbirth is higher as you get over 40 weeks as the placenta doesn't function as well, but that's true of all pregnancies. Basically, she told me if I'm feeling well and the baby is moving and doing well then there really is no reason to induce me, however, I have the option of requesting an induction anytime from 40 weeks or a sweep from 39 weeks.

I made it clear that I would certainly ahead with an induction if I thought for any reason my baby might be in any danger or distress.

The risk of stillbirth is very low and although the risk increases over 40 weeks there is still a very low chance. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy - not too long to go now 😁 xx

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to

That’s good to know, thanks for sharing 😊 xxx

in reply to Lovefood1984

I went off on a bit of a tangent, but glad you found it useful! 😁 Xx

Ekjones86 profile image
Ekjones86 in reply to

I agree- very helpful! Thanks JoJo! Much appreciated. I hope everything is going well for you 😊 xxx

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to

At least I won’t need to panic if I do go overdue 😀 x

CC2018 profile image

I've been told I'll be induced at 38 weeks due to having lupus and a ivf pregnancy as there is reduced nutrition in the placenta at the end that can cause still birth.

Lynnr54 profile image

It is definitely an area thing. My hospital induce IVF babies at 40 weeks due to risk of the placenta not functioning as well after that (I was over 35 but they didn’t say age was a factor too - no other reasons why I would be high risk). I tried to fight to say I at least wanted to wait until my IVF due date (they brought my due date forward at dating scan) but they were absolutely adamant that was their policy. At the time I asked the question on here and have seen the discussion a few times since and there have been mixed responses depending on the area you live. I’m pregnant with no 2 at the moment (again IVF) and have again been told they’ll induce at 40 weeks (haven’t yet had the fight around whether that is IVF date or their due date). My sister is also currently pregnant from IVF and her hospital have said as long as no other worries then she will be treated as a normal pregnancy. You would think there was a national policy on this stuff!

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to Lynnr54

The hospital can't force you to induce if you have no medical urgent reason to.

Lucylu_88 profile image

Bless you, it's an incredibly worrying time. I was going to be induced at 39+5 but that day I started naturally, so I can't really give any information. All I can say is try and remain positive (hard I know) but just believe this is your time. All the very best xx

Blondyboo profile image

We are Somerset area and I was induced and would let me go over but that was because of my age not the IVF. I also had growth scans but that’s because I was so so so old in there eyes 🙄 (40!)

Your midwife shouldn't be shutting you down in regard to any concerns you have. I think perhaps ask for a further discussion or referral to a consultant - do not be intimidated by your midwife - she is most likely overworked. I'd demand a decent discussion and consideration of your concerns.

I understand being induced is a big decision to make but in theory, being induced is just a pessary or two. I was induced, it's really not that bad.

Yes, the risk is definitely small (but note, the UK do have one of the highest rates of stillbirth in Europe and the developed world) - so the NHS are putting things in place to try to prevent this.

I love the confidence of the other posters on this issue. But there really is no harm in being in a hospital setting if you go over 40 weeks. Much is it is age dependant and you have not mentioned your age.

I felt it was important to give a flipside view of what most people have said here. I was anxious and 40 when I was being induced, and my pregnancy had other risk factors with stage 4 endo and previous abdominal surgery. So this reply is very much from my own perspective - I am no medic but I would not want you ignored by your midwife or to ignore the current stats (low but not definitely not 'insignificant' as some have wrongly said).

I personally appreciated being in a hospital setting once I got to 40 weeks. I couldn't sleep at that point anyway - so it really didnt make much difference being in hospital a few days earlier.

I'd advise you message Diane Arnold on here. She is the midwife and is in the best position to advise, none of us here are.

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