Hello I’m 9dp5dt and I’ve had severe cramping..I had some mild cramps for the last few days but then severe at 3am (woke me up) and then again now for the last half hour. So bad that I was shaking, doubled over and thought I was going to pass out. It’s eased off now and I’ve taken some paracetamol. It just reminds me of the pain I had when I had a miscarriage. Has anyone else experienced this? Xx
Severe cramps : Hello I’m 9dp5dt and I... - Fertility Network UK
Severe cramps

Im sorry to read about ur severe cramps. Have you spoken to your clinic or GP? If you are not bleeding this can only be a good sign right? Im hoping its something and nothing for you. Sending lots of hugs and positive vibes🤞xx
I've had one transfer and I had light twinges and slight cramps.
I'm glad the pain has eased off for now but I would advise you call the clinic in the morning and hopefully they can put your mind at rest or offer some advice.
Hi I’m having twinges at the moment too it’s really not nice is it, they aren’t severe but making me worry I’m going to come on my period.. I’m due to test Friday so just praying it will be ok.
I’ve had twinges almost every day since transfer hoping it’s just implantation.
Good luck and hope all ok with you xx
thanks for your message. I’m due to test Friday too! I think I just panicked a bit earlier as they reminded me of the pain I had during my miscarriage. There is just no way of knowing until Fri. Good luck with your test 🤞 have you any other symptoms? Xx