Hello everyone. Haven’t been on here in awhile. Having a bad evening. Wondering when it will be our chance to try again with ivf. Our only draw back is our weight. How do all you guys keep positive and focused on ivf ever working? Just in a bad place today. My friend just got pregnant after her third cycle and another’s just given birth to her 3rd naturally conceived baby. Just can’t get away from us not having any plans for round two and being stuck.
Held back by high bmi: Hello everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Held back by high bmi

Hi AmieC30
So sorry to read about your struggles. I am not in the same boat as you but I do know people who have had pcos and blocked tubes who have gone on to have babies. I really hope you get to the point where you can try again soon. Big hugs xxx
Thank you for your reply camillage. The fertility journey is so difficult, especially as everyone’s situation is so different. I think people in general forget that. My mums still living in hope that ‘a miracle might happen’. Shame especially as I lack the anatomy to get my trusty eggs to their desired destination.
I know no one either who has the same problems as me either. Which doesn’t help ☹️
Hopefully someone on here will be able to share their similar experiences. What I can say is that, whatever the prognosis, we are all here for each other and understand the pain and frustration we all go through.
My mum has been similar "I don't know what's wrong with you girls these days, we just popped them out in my day"... hmmm, helpful xxx
Hi I'm not in the same boat as you but do have experience of low BMI (unfortunately I hate food and find it an endless task, my Dr thinks it's great). Aside from telling me "I'm lucky" that I can go without eating for days I'm a row she told me to "eat the things we tell people not to eat, sausages, pizza, pasta" etc etc.
I made a diary and started adding the food I was eating. Could/do you write a diary of what your eating and start changing it for a healthier/homemade version? Could you start/increase exercise?
Sorry I don't have anymore advice but I hope you find a solution, good luck x
I second Sammy18's suggestion of keeping a diary (there are also tons of apps which will help you in logging food and exercise, and which show also the breakdown of nutrients). It is the first suggestion (Italian) dieticians offer to their patients. Food logging offers a better understanding of one's calory/nutrient intake, empowering the patient in making better choices for themselves.
Many apps have also a very supportive user base, and offer funny "challenges" which help you to stay focused. I used one called LoseIt several years ago, when I had to lose a few kilos (not for a fertility-related issue!), and it was great. I lost kilogram after kilogram without even noticing, it just thanks to a few tweaks. A friend of mine was using MyFitnessPal, but someone was recently telling me that FitBit also offers a very valid alternative (and no need to buy the device, you can just use the app!)
Morning... I have a high BMI but I am paying privately in Cyprus where they are much more flexible if your hormone levels are in line to enable you to conceive. Being overweight and having a high BMI is (among other things) an indicator your are likely to have hormone issues that will go against conceiving.. Additional worry is that if you do get pregnant any additional weight would lead to a very high likelihood of diebetes and other potential life threatening to the baby illnesses. Therefore I have started Cambridge and in the first 4 weeks I have lost nearly 1.5 stone. On average you lose a stone a month.. By my intended treatment date end of December I will have a BMI of 30 and will have lost 3.5 stone. It’s quick it’s relatively easy and 1000000% worth the effort. My colleague did it after a failed transfer, lost the weight and BOSH!
P.S If you found a consultant today you could be on it tomorrow and in a few months be in a place where your BMI isn’t the blocker..
You sound like me! Did Cambridge diet and clinic in Cyprus :0)
Hello sorry to hear this. I was in exactly the same boat. My only advice is please don't lose weight too fast as it affects your hormones for going ahead with the ivf. Take your time and lose it slow and steady xxx
Hi amie
I had been the same as urself and left the hospital in tears, am a size 14 and didn’t feel I was overweight so to hear that can be very hard to take.
Try not to stress about it too much.
I found that weighing myself weekly in kgs helped me keep focused and see I was going in the right direction even if it wasn’t massive loses.
Good luck xx