Just had an email from our Spanish clinic. It said they have frozen 2 embryos and are still observing 5 (don't know what happened to the other 1 as 8 fertilised originally). I don't know what to think. Myself and Oh feel really deflated. I think with this being our first DE cycle we expected more. I've sent another email asking them for more information... What grading are the two they froze this morning? What are they observing in the 5 and are they not as good quality as the 2 they already froze? I feel confused and disappointed. 😖
Day 5 update: Just had an email from... - Fertility Network UK
Day 5 update

It’s understandable that you’re disappointed. Hopefully your clinic can give you some answers and reassurance about the ones that haven’t been frozen yet. By the sound of it though, you have two good blasts. It only takes one xx
I had 8 and in the end 7 fertilised and were frozen, some were observed for longer than others. For me that was such an improvement on my previous own egg cycles (3 with 1 fertilised bfn, 2 with 2 fertilised bfn, then abandoned due to lack of response). I was totally over the moon.
Wishing you every luck with the rest of your journey xx

Thankyou. I have had all negatives in previous cycles. Fingers crossed some of the 5 embryos they are observing will also make it. Hopefully the quality is also going to be a vast improvement to using my own eggs. X
I had 2 put back from my Spanish clinic. They waited to see what the others were doing and ended up having 3 frozen which were better quality than the ones I had inside me.
Not massive numbers but far better than I ever had with my own eggs.
All turned out ok too as I’m now over 14 weeks. X
That sounds amazing to have 2 frozen! We had one transferred and only 1 in the freezer. You still have the chance that the other 5 will be good for freezing too. Dont be disappointed two is fantastic xxx
I had a 36 year old known donor with 15 eggs harvested 10 fertilized 7 went to 5 days they put back 3 which resulted in a BFP observed the remaining 4 but only two were good enough for freeZing. So don’t be too disappointed.