My EC is tomorrow and I feel absolutely exhausted today. I’m at work and will try leave leave a bit early to have some rest. I can barely fasten my jeans, have lots of twinges in ovary areas, hot flushes and I’m out of breath. I felt none of these during my last cycle but I guess each cycle is different. I also feel a bit of a strange sensation in my vagina, a bit sore and itchy, not sure if this is after multiple scans. Anyone felt similar before EC?
Feeling exhausted before tomorrow’s EC - Fertility Network UK
Feeling exhausted before tomorrow’s EC

I can definitely relate to the bloating and tight jeans feeling before egg collection for sure! I resorted to wearing more comfy clothes like leggings. make sure you're drinking plenty of water. Wishing you luck for collection, hope you get lots of lovely eggies!xx
Hi lovely, I have been thinking of you today! I am also quite swollen, I have put on a couple of pounds this week and wearing tights that are cutting me in half! Normally they fit just fine 😂
Hope you managed to leave work early... Won't be long now! Btw I have had the call in the last hour that my egg collection will be on Thursday 😁
Let me know how it goes tomorrow ❤️🐣
Thank you so much hun. 🌸 I have left early, hubby cooked dinner so I’m just relaxing now.
Great news that you are ready for EC! I was wondering earlier if your hormone has dropped. Are you doing trigger tonight? X
That's fab! A relaxing evening sounds amazing!!!
I am doing cetrotide at 8 and Gonasi/Suprecur at 11. I have no idea how we will stay awake until 11, we're both pretty shattered. I can't tell you how pleased I was when they told me it had dropped enough for me to have both triggers tonight!!! I can't believe EC is finally booked.
Have a really great evening and wishing you the absolute best tomorrow xxx
11pm is so late, I’m dropping off at 10pm every night 😆 Good luck with the trigger.
It’s amazing news that the hormone had dropped and you are ready for EC. So tomorrow you will have a day off injections! It feels like a mini-holiday 😁 I’m really hoping for a better result tomorrow than last time but don’t want to get my hopes too high.
Thank you, will let you know tomorrow how it went. Xxx
You know what's weird, I always miss the injections when they stop! I have no idea why.... That day in between triggers and EC feels so surreal to me! It's a good idea to see as a mini holiday though 😋
I have all my fingers and toes crossed for a fabulous and easy egg collection tomorrow. Hope they get lots of juicy mature eggs that you've been looking after so well!!!
I hope you managed to take home from work early today?
I felt pretty rough the last weekend before EC this time around. I actually thought I was coming down with something. I ached and I had no energy. I spent the last few days on the sofa in my dressing gown. I was also bloated. By EC, apart from the bloating, I felt a bit better.
Good luck to you for your EC xx
Thank you, I went home just before 4pm which was helpful as I avoided the rush hours. Just chilling on the sofa now, feeling really sleepy 😁 During my last cycle I haven’t had any symptoms apart from a bit of tiredness so this is a new experience. Good to know that you felt similar and it’s kind of normal. xx
I definitely felt worse the second time around. First time I felt like a big fat bug fit to burst with eggs 🐞🐜🐛🥚😂
Hope you feel better soon xx
I was definitely bloated and tired out. Other than that in was ok. I had Menopur 450 and Cetritide but we react differently.
I hope you're having a lovely rest.
Good luck for tomorrow 💖
Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your egg collection. I hope it goes well and that you feel good post procedure. Xx
Thank you so much. It was yesterday, all went straight forward and 14 eggs were retrieved. Today is a phone call day! I hope you are well xx