We are starting our 5th IVF ICSI cycle now AF has finally decided to show up 4 days late. This will be our 3rd cycle with current clinic. As we have had a few months off since the last treatment they wanted to do a day 2 scan to make sure all is good for starting stims on day 5.
Had my day 2 scan with a nurse this morning and I have 6 follicles, 3 of which are a good size. Got home and just had a call to say the doctor has reveiwed the scan and I am to start stims TONIGHT! Was not expecting this. I am meant to be on a natural modified protocol due to very low AMH but clinic are now saying that because I have double the amount of follicles compared with day 5 of my previous two cycles I will be on a mild IVF protocol instead.
Really hoping this is a positive step. After almost 4 years of TTC and 4 failed IVF cycles surely it's our turn for some good news?! Now just got to get my head around starting injections tonight! The rollercoaster begins....