So we’ve been in this morning for our three day transfer. We have had two put back in. Of our 5 fertilised, one didn’t divide. The remaining four did but are classed as average and also slow growers. The two put back in are only 4 cells each😥 I am not holding out much (if any) hope of success. If any one knows of anyone with success from 4 cell embryos, please let me know xx
Transfer done. Not great news 😥 - Fertility Network UK
Transfer done. Not great news 😥

I feel like sometimes the embryologists don't know themselves what will happen.
Don't loose hope.
I am sure people will share success stories will all types of embryos.

Thank you x
Some positive stories for you. Wishing you the best of luck that one or both stick and thrive. Try to stay positive xx

Thanks Jacqui! I’ve been googling like mad since we got back. How’s your pregnancy coming along? Xx
I would be doing the same. The great news is that you've had 2 transferred back. Will they see if the other 2 are suitable for freezing?
35 weeks today, big baby and small bump. The heat has resulted in some beautifully fat feet and ankles and I can't get my wedding ring on at the moment, all very attractive but obviously wouldn't have it any other way xx

Can’t believe your 35 weeks already, that’s amazing😊 yes, they keep the other two until Monday/Tuesday and see how they do xxx
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that both make it. But obviously the two that have been out back are going to stick, I'm sure of it. Keep your feet up and relax today, get the hubby waiting on you hand and foot. And try some comedy, it's supposed to be good for the embies xx
Try to stay positive pet, I know sometimes it’s easier said than done. I have read about lots of ladies who achieved pregnancy with average enough embryos. Keeping fingers crossed for you. Good luck with the two week wait xx
Only a tiny bit behind lovely! Just two cells! Lots of slower embryos make babies and you have two on board! That’s amazing! Just had my transfer and my good day 3 one we thawed hadn’t made it to blast anyway which was a surprise since it was the best one at day 3! You just can’t tell what they will do. So in went our two CC (pretty poor) hatching blasts. Those two looked awful at day 3 but made blasts! We are in the 2ww together! My OTD (bloods) is the 6th which is also the day hubs has brain surgery so we are postponing another day to the 7th. Although I will have undoubtedly used a first response test before then 🙈
Take it easy and keep cheery, I feel good about both your transfer and mine xxxx
Your positivity is amazing, hopefully it will rub off on me. Sorry your three day didn’t make it but two blasts are great! I’ve not to test until the 12th with bloods on the 13th. Hopefully we will both have good need at the end of it 🤞 hope hubby’s surgery goes well x
Good luck Orla. I hope your husband's brain surgery goes well xx
You just never know. I had 2 perfect looking 8 celled embies transferred on day 3 and neither of them implanted. I was absolutely devastated. Its all down to mother nature and whats meant to be will be. Good luck xx

Thank you x
Hey. I don't know how many cells her embryos had, but my friend had two put back (from 5) that were apparently not great quality. She's just given birth to a gorgeous, healthy baby girl. Sometimes the embryos do better being back in their natural environment. Don't lose hope. Lots of luck xx

That’s great news. Thanks lovely x
Hey Ash,
We are in the same boat just now, think I may be a week ahead of you.
I’m 5dp3dt and we had 2 embryos transferred. I think the panic sets in because everyone talks about 5 day transfers so when I had to go for a 3 day I felt like it was all going wrong already.
Hope everything works out for you and the next two weeks fly by!x
Good luck reb! Did they tell you how many cells your embies were? How you feeling? Xxx
We had 1 10 cell that the embryologist said could maybe had made it to day 5 but because of our small numbers there wasn’t any point holding out because the other 4 weren’t doing anything.
By the time we got to the clinic one of the others had randomly started dividing and reached a 6 cell. So they gave us the option of putting that back to because it wouldn’t have been good enough quality to freeze.
All the information I could find in my panic about a day 3 transfer said they stand a better chance in your body so just need to go with it.
Tbh I’ve been feeling crap! I think it’s the cyclogest but I have zero energy, feeling dizzy and nauseous. I feel bad as wel because I know my hubby is getting his hopes up these are good signs when I think it’s just the progesterone 🤦🏼♀️.
You just never know what ones will work Ash, my embryologist said he's seen some poor embryos doing really well! Glad to hear that you got to do the 3 day transfer though! Wishing you loads of luck hun!🤞🤞xxx
Sending lots of positive thoughts huni. Stay hopeful 😘 xxx
I have definitely read about embryos that went on to surprise everyone you just never know hoping they cling on and do well x

HimAsh2016. They are back inside you where they belong. When I first started out in fertility, we always did 4-8 cell transfers because we didn’t have the expertise to grow embryos to blastocyst. We still had many successes so just remember that. Thinking of you. Diane
I just got an update, it’s bad news for me but hopefully will help reinforce that embryo grading doesn’t always mean much, my good day 3 embryo that we thawed as a potential for transfer and looked poor yesterday also arrested yesterday, on day 5 having not made blast! Any like I said my day 3s that looked terrible made blast. Fingers crossed xxx
Sorry to hear that Orla. Hopefully your two on board will snuggle on down. I am trying to stay positive but we aren’t excited like round one and I am definitely not getting my hubby to kiss my belly and talk to them 🤦♀️ here’s hoping we both end up with twins 👶 👶
Wouldn’t that be lovely 👶🏻👶🏻 😊 twins would be my dream! I’m being much more guarded this time, I think it’s natural. I’m already googling how soon I should get implantation cramps because I’m not feeling anything yet and they were hatching... 😂😂🙈🙈