Hi ladies. Having a bit of a panic and wondered if anyone had found themselves in the same situation and everything was okay. I am 10 weeks pregnant after a fet and have started with brown discharge on wiping today. Again sorry for tmi! Until now I have had no discharge whatsoever and very few pregnancy symptoms. A viability scan at 7 weeks and a private scan at 8 1/2 weeks have both shown a healthy heartbeat so am freaking out now at the discharge. I’ve spoken to my ivf clinic who gave me the number for the emergency gynae unit who advised to monitor for the next couple of days and go in if it continues or I start to bleed or cramp. Has anyone else experienced brown discharge at this stage and it’s been something and nothing? Xxx
Sorry tmi, brown discharge and 10 wee... - Fertility Network UK
Sorry tmi, brown discharge and 10 weeks pregnant

Hi Sarahlou01. Oh dear I can imagine how worried you are. If you are still using pessaries it could be some leftover “gunk”. If not you may have a bit of an infection, I don’t know. I would be reassured by your two scans. Rest when you can and see someone if it continues or becomes red. It happens so often as you probably have read on here and mostly we don’t know why. Fingers crossed for you, and I will be thinking of you. Diane
Thanks Diane. I’m still using the pessaries twice daily so am hoping it is that. If it carries on, I will definitely get seen at the emergency gynae unit. They were lovely and said to just come in if I was really anxious.
I did I was around same time it was very scary I phoned clinic and said pretty much same if the discharge changes colour to red go straight to clinic but it was fine my little lady will be one in under a week I think it was down to the scan and constantly having her heartbeat checked at midwife cause it happened a couple of times for me good luck Hun xx
My wife had this, we freaked, and it turned out to be nothing. It can be very scary, but it sounds like you've been given good advice. We rushed to A+E and we're told to go to our maternity unit in the morning, we had to wait till 11 to see someone and get a scan. Everything was fine with the baby.
We were told to look out for fresh blood and clotting, my wife didn't have clotting but she did have a bit of red blood and brown discharge - this all happened around 13 weeks, because I remember we had the perfect 12 week scan just before. It does happen to a lot of women and it doesn't always mean anything is wrong at all. It turned out she had a little clot and the brown discharge was just normal, but it was a very nervous wait that morning.
She's 23 weeks now and , hope to god, all going well, 21 week was great.
If you see any red blood call your unit straight away, but even this doesn't mean the worse.
Best of wishes to you, I hope everything is fine.
Thank you so much for your reply. That’s really reassuring and I’m glad everything is going well for you and your wife after having the same situation. I spoke to my midwife this afternoon and she’s referred me up to the emergency gynae unit just to be on the safe side. I think everyone is extra cautious with ivf pregnancies aren’t they? x
We really are extra cautious!!!
You invest so much heartache, go through so many hoops. Its only been since the 21 week scan that we have eased off ( a little) with the constant worry. Its cruel because we tried for 6 years to get this far and we haven't even enjoyed the past few months, convinced something is going to go wrong.
Its very normal though, just trying to stay positive is not easy. I really feel for you.
Wishing you both all the best health and the day you're holding your new one!
Thank you. We had a scan yesterday and thankfully baby was happily dancing about. There was no sign of a bleed around baby thank goodness so they think that it’s probably the ivf meds causing some irritation. We start to wean the oestrogen and progesterone from today so something new for me to worry about! Thank you for your kind words x
I am 6 weeks 6 days, had a scan at the EPU on Monday and saw a heartbeat etc they said everything was fine. Yesterday I started having brown discharge too.. only when I wipe and not every time (sorry for tmi) the EPU said on Monday that it was normal so I don't want to ring them and ask as I know they will say the same thing. My midwife appointment is Tuesday where I am going to mention it to her but just wondered how long yours had lasted? x
Hello. My lasted for about 4 days and stopped. It was only when I wiped too. They thought it was the pessaries irritating either the lining of my cervix or womb. Are you still on ivf meds too? Apparently it is really normal to have brown spotting in early pregnancy. I was in the same situation as you, I rang the epu and they said not to worry and only to be concerned if the discharge was bright red or I had cramps. Yet when I told my midwife about the brown discharge, she sent me straight up to the epu. Good luck and try not to worry. Have a look at the replies above, people were really reassuring when I posted about this xxxx