Hello! I am shaking whilst writing this because I am just so confused! Is this a positive pregnancy text? It’s test day of my 2WW and I had already tested twice with negative results so was expecting a Negative result but got this. Do you think it is positive please? I’m too scared to get excited and am thinking I need to go and get a branded test for verification.
Is this a positive? Help please? - Fertility Network UK
Is this a positive? Help please?

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Looks positive to me 😁😁😁 best to get a blood test to double check. Here's hoping xxx
It looks positive to me. My result looked a bit like that, although my second line was slightly darker, but the second line got darker within an hour or so and I'm 7 weeks pregnant, so maybe keep an eye on it. I'd say pop to the shop and get one of the more accurate ones to be sure. Good luck Xx
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me - feeling so emotional right now, your words are a massive comfort. Thanks
Hello, did the line get any darker? Did you do another test? I'm hoping everything works out for you xx
thank you - it didn't get any darker, I spoke to the Fertility nurse and she said any line means a positive because it indicates the presence of the HCG hormone. She also said to test again in 48 hours, as in that time the hormone amount should have doubled so i should get a stronger positive result - so fingers crossed. I think i'll be more terrified to take that test than i was this morning, when i was so convinced it would be negative that i had already written out my e-mail telling the clinic it was negative and was about to send when i looked at the stick and nearly fell over when i saw the second line. Thank you so much xxxx
Looks positive to me 😁 try a pink test (first response) which is one of the most accurate, that should put your mind at rest! X
Ahhh ok will try one of those for sure! Thank you so much for replying to me! Much love xx
I was going to say the same - First Response is the best in my experience, it will give a more definitive answer. I can definitely see a line though. 🙂
It looks positive! 😁

Keeping fingers crossed - after 4 years (which I know is nothing to some warriors) I thought this day would never come xx
I felt the same when I got my positive - I still don't believe and I am 8 weeks!
I got bloods done to put my mind at rest - had to beg my GP....
Looks positive to me! But I was exactly the same on my test day- we ended up doing a morning run to Sainsbury’s and buying a digital test which spells it out in words! Xx
Congratulations xxx

Haha that’s exactly what I am considering but my nearest one is 14 miles away, so a bit of a trek!! Your reply and everyone else’s is giving me massive comfort and reassurance, so I am so grateful to each and everyone of you who has taken the time to reply. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy xxxxx
It’s positive, congratulations 🤗xx
Looks positive, fingers crossed!xx
Looks positive to me too!! Exciting times 💕 xx
Looks positive hun! Yay let us know how your bloods go or your next test 😁 xx
I’ve never had a positive but it looks as though there’s defo a second line there 😊 hopefully it’s even darker when you test again 🤞🏼 xx
That definitely looks positive to me too! May it keep getting darker every day!!
Looks positive to me as very similar to my positive one. I went and bought a first response after that and a Clearblue cross (non digital) and they came up positive in the allotted time as well so I can definitely recommend those. Congratulations hun xx
Looks positive to me!! Congratulations xx
It sure is!! Mega congratulations 🙏🏼😊xxx
Thank you everyone SO SO much! The support here is incredible. I am still in disbelief about it all, but have done another test this morning that was a much stronger positive. Have to wait five weeks for a scan now - that will be torture and i’ll Probably keep testing every few days to make sure - I actually thought this would never happen! Thank you again, you are all such a lovely bunch❤️ And helped me through one of the most confusing things i’ve Ever had to deal with Xx
Aww congratulations and good luck for your scan, the wait for the scan is awful (we’ve just been through it) but so worth it 💛 x
Aww thanks Sarahlou! Hope your pregnancy is going well! Xx
Yay, congratulations! I've got my first early scan tomorrow and the wait has been hard, I'm terrified tomorrow will be bad news BUT I'm still in it, until I'm not. Su h good news for you, have a celebratory cake 🎂 x
Oh wow good luck for your scan! Such an exciting event, apparently I should have had my scan in 3 weeks but my doctor is on holiday so i’m Having to wait until he gets back! To be fair, I don’t mind too much, I guess he wants to see the fruits of his labours as much as we do! Xxx
Yay. Yippee! Celebrations indeed and definitely cake! Xxx