I started bleeding last night 😔 it was only when I went to the toilet and when I wiped but there was quite a bit there. It’s now stopped and I had a tiny bit of brown when wiped. Any one got any positive stories from this kind of experience? I can’t ring my clinic as they don’t give you an out of hours number and I just thought if carries on I’ll go the docs in the morning and get me appointment for epu, I’ve still got 10 days til my scan at the clinic and just seems so far away. Xx
Bleeding 6+2 : I started bleeding last... - Fertility Network UK
Bleeding 6+2

There are so many reasons why this could happen and it's good that it's stopped and that it was brown. It doesn't stop it from being scary though and if you're worried and especially ifa there's pain and you can't see anyone, can you get yourself to an a&e department? I had a very early bleed in this pregnancy as well as one at 12 weeks and everything was fine. The one at 12 weeks had bad pain so I went to a&e, they referred me over to the early pregnancy unit and after some checks, the were satisfied the bleeding wasn't a sign of anything harmful. Will be thinking of you xx
Thank you for the reply. Last time I had bleeding at 5+2 on my first ivf round and ended in a chemical pregnancy so think it just scared me a bit tbh. I think I will go to the epu tomorrow and just put my mind at ease a little xx
I've not experienced this but agree with you that the EPU tomorrow would be a good idea. When your scared the reassurance does make a big difference 😘 xx
We had the same thing happen - it started at 5 weeks 5 days, just when wiping, so we phoned our clinic & they said if it was just spotting & when wiping then it’s normal. But then at 6 weeks 1 day my partner passed a large clot, so we thought it was game over. We called the EPU first thing the next morning & had a scan & they saw a heartbeat & no abnormalities. They couldn’t say what the clot was, but said some women do bleed with no explanation. We are now 10 weeks pregnant & our last scan (Wednesday) showed a very wriggly little one, with a strong regular heartbeat!
As others have said, definitely contact your local EPU for a scan to be sure, but if you’re not actively bleeding then it’s a good sign from what we’ve been told. 😊
Thank you will do 😊 xx
If you look at my previous posts I bled at 6 weeks and 6+3. It was a lot and convinced it was bad but everything was well and I carried on bleeding til around 10 weeks. See if you can get a scan at your local EPAC that’s what I did xx

Thank you. I am going to give them a call tomorrow. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter 😊 xx
Thank you. Good luck I hope they scan you sooner xx
I had lots of bleeding hun and am now 20+2 xx
Get a scan just for reassurance they will scan you if you have been bleeding xxx
It seems so common on here, not normal but common. Many women bleed and go on to have their babies. It must be so worrying for you but try to remember that xx