Hi guys,
I haven’t been around much since my chemical pregnancy as I felt I needed to withdraw from the fertility side of things but I have been dropping in from time to time and seeing some lovely success stories, wishing you all very happy & healthy pregnancies. To those of you with heartbreaking stories I send you love & strength to help you through these difficult times.
The reason I’ve dropped in today is to see whether anyone has made a complaint to the NHS for their mistakes, etc? & if so, how did you go about it?
I’ve been having pain in the area where my ectopic was. The doctor referred me to hospital to get it checked out but the hospital cancelled my appointment saying the consultant had reviewed my file & I didn’t need to see them.
When I was in hospital due to the pain, etc from the ectopic I had a scan. The consultant reviewed the scan & said thatvalthough all my pain was on the right hand side, I had an ectopic on my left ovary so they would have to remove that tube & potentially the ovary. I was given the option of waiting for a few days/a week to see if it resolved itself and because I was so upset (& due to the attitude of the consultant which I won’t go into) I decided to wait. A week later I had another scan which clearly showed the ectopic on my right hand side & a small cyst on my left ovary!
Anyway, went to the doctor this morning & she said she’s had a letter from the hospital to say that they cancelled my appointment as I couldn’t possibly have painnon my right when the ectopic was on the left!
They won’t check my tubes unless I have another ectopic as I’ve already had IVF on the NHS & am therefore not entitled to any further treatment/tests. Still don’t have a decent answer as to why they didn’t do that before the IVF, they said it was due to my age and they didn’t want to delay the IVF but I was 37 at the time...
Basically, they have completely washed their hands of me & couldn’t seem to care less if there’s something wrong as how could a 41 year old get pregnant??? & they obviously wouldn’t want to help me get pregnant at my old age.
I’m very angry about the way I’ve been treated and also with the consultant and want to put this all in writing to someone.
Any ideas?
Thanks xxxx