Has anyone had this/done some reading on it? Main feeling now.. arrgh, more faff, delay and expense when I am feeling low and exhausted! Clinic are telling me it costs around £1200, is done at same time as an endometrial scratch, and is meant to help guide when best to do embryo transfer, your 'implantation window'.
ERA (endometrial receptivity test)?? - Fertility Network UK
ERA (endometrial receptivity test)??

I had one and based on the results I got pregnant with my next transfer. It’s much less painful than an endo scractch which i’d never ever go through again!!! Good luck!! X

Thanks Natalia... after the initial 'arrrrrgh' of them suggesting yet again something else, I am wondering about doing it... at least give our frosties the best chance. I have had NK testing and scratches done before, and like you say one or two times it was pretty bad! Big congratulations on being pregnant, hope all goes well xx
Thank you 😘 Believe me i know how you feel!! I’ve had every test known to man, 2 cycles here, 3 in Spain and success with our first transfer in the US who incidentally really push forward ERA’s. Wishing you the v best of luck!!! I was dreading the era but it’s one tiny scratch and nothing as bad as the endometrial scratch where I squealed like a tortured cat 😢xxx

Natalia, I feel your pain! So sorry. Really interesting re the US view and your success. Thanks for info xx
Ive read about this test too. Know one person that has had it and another that was considering it. The lady that I know that had it unfortunately still didnt get her BFP however I have heard of others that have. Its so hard to know what to try isnt it. I was really hoping that my procedure back in Jan (hysteroscopy and deep implantatin cuts) would help me but I think its almost out of date with all my blood palavers!xx
Obviously you still need a healthy embryo and a bit of luck from the God’s and nature but at least with an ERA you know the transfer is performed for maximum and actual receptivity xxx

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