I had my baseline scan this morning. No cysts or polyps. Follicle count was low. I was really hoping for 5 but there were only 2. Still waiting on AF to arrive and once she does I'll be starting injections. I have my first acupuncture session tomorrow. I've not had acupuncture before so i've no idea what to expect but I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Xx
Antral follicle count = 2: I had my... - Fertility Network UK
Antral follicle count = 2

Aww glad they are proceeding with treatment - are you on long protocol? The stimulating drugs later on should stimulate more follicles I believe so you’re not out yet
Good luck and have fun on your holiday xx
Easier said than done but try not to panic at the baseline scan numbers - if you look back to my very first post I had a similar thing!! Previous scans had shown 10+ AFC but then baseline they could hardly find 2!! With stimming on highest dose we ended up with 10 eggs!!
Wishing you very best of luck!! 🤞🏻Xx
Thanks for your reassuring words. I’m trying so hard to just relax, stay calm and go with flow, one step at a time.
I had 9 last year but this year I have 4. Felt really low but you must keep going and stay positive. You only need one to work. Xxxx
It’s a great start. I had 2 and then ended up with six a total bonus! Fingers and toes crossed for you. Best of luck!