pregnancy test on day 9, 12 and 14 all positive, took one today day 18 and it’s a it over for me 😢 I’m shaking x
BFN after a BFP 😢 I’m shaking - Fertility Network UK
BFN after a BFP 😢 I’m shaking

Oh no Suzanne! Have you phoned the clinic? What test did you use? Why did you test, was you having bleeding or anything?
I hope the test is wrong or there's an explanation.
Sending you a big hug and keeping my fingers crossed xx
Oh sweetie sorry to hear this. Was it with first urine of the day? Was it a sensitive test; the tests will vary in sensitivity. I agree with Michelle080 I’d ring your clinic; hopefully they can arrange a blood test to see what is going on xoxo

It was 2 Clearblues and it was about my 3rd urine of the day. Just waiting for clinic to call me back, I feel numb 😔
Hopefully it will be because it wasn’t first urine of the day; I’m sure that makes a big difference it’s such early days. Really hope the clinic call you back soon. Do let us all know how you get on. Fingers crossed for you xoxo

I don’t understand how you can get a negative so quick. My sister had a natuaral pregnancy and miscarried, baby had no heartbeat at 6 weeks she had to take a preganancy test until it was a negative which took a couple of weeks.
Hi Suzanne, don't feel too disheartened. Have you heard of the hook effect? Apparently pregnancy tests only pick up levels of hcg up to a certain point. Maybe it could just be that? Sending you positive vibes! x
You poor thing. I am in the same boat - was called in for a blood test this morning after BFP on 12d and 14d post 3dt followed by BFN yesterday and today (days 18 & 19).
Unfortunately I have also started bleeding so it’s game over for me.
Hoping you get better news x
Sounds like that’s whats gonna happen to me, I feel like I should get use to it because of past fails but it never gets easier. Just need my clinic to call I’m sitting here just waiting I can’t do anything else until it’s confirmed 😢
So sorry for your loss. I went through a chemical pregnancy last year completely heartbreaking; there are no words 💔 xoxo
ive had a chemical as well its so cruel. But I know clear blue arnt as reliable as first response in that first response pick up lower hormone amounts. Also you can see the lines to judge better whats going on. It could be that using more diluted wee the clear blue hasnt picked it up.
i do hope this is the case wishing you lots of luck xx