Hello, I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist any longer and tested this morning. It was a BFN, which I was expecting as I'm not overly convinced this will work for me. I'm remaining positive, but preparing for the worst. Is there any chance this will change over the next few days? I saw loads of people test early and thought I'd give it a go, big mistake!
Shouldn't have, but tested on 6dp5dt ... - Fertility Network UK
Shouldn't have, but tested on 6dp5dt today and only one line :-(

Hi Katie Lou.
Yes it can be tempting to test earlier and occ a few days doesn’t make that much difference but at 6dp5dt I would say that’s mega early!
Most people would get a negative so it could just be a false negative as your hcg isn’t high enough yet. Could easily change in the next week. Have you had any other symptoms (or lack of them) that makes you so sure it’s failed?
Either way it’s best to be prepared for both outcomes- maybe this will make the news easier to handle if it is negative... but I wouldn’t lose faith yet- keep doing everything you should and relax (!) lol- easier said than done.
I’m due for my transfer tomorrow and I’m already at a loss
It was very tempting and when I kept seeing people's positive tests at 6dp5dt I thought I'd just give it a go. I'm not a negative or stressy kinda person and I don't worry over anything, it's just the way I am, but I am just not overly convinced this will work. I don't know why, I think I'm just telling myself it won't work so I won't be so disappointed if it doesn't.
Hope your transfer goes well tomorrow, I've got my fingers crossed for you!
Oh gosh I’m the same. I just weigh up all options and outcomes and on balance think it might not work. 40/50% of ivf success rates?
But then it’s based on so many things. Last year I was completely pragmatic but it went so well that I actually got excited one day- and then started cramping and bleeding the next day. Incidentally at 6dp5dt!
But there are so many things that are unique to individuals that you can go crazy thinking about it.
Will look out for your news in future xx
Hey Katie Lou. I tested on my day 7 & it was a negative but tested the following day & it was a positive! Everything crossed for you xx
What kind of test did you use? I used Clearblue and got a bfn until 10 days post transfer. First Response Early Detector shows up the tiniest amount of hcg but you’re better off waiting until test date to be sure. Good luck xxx

I bought some from Amazon, they say early respond but I don't think they're very good. I'll get some clearblue ready for OTD. Thanks for the reply x
I got nothing til 10dp5dt either so hang in there. Good luck!
Fingers X'd for you I completely understand the temptation of the early test x
Yes could still all work out really hoping so x
You’re definitely too early. My friend only had a faint line on her otd and she’s 30 weeks now- she had to test the next day to be sure.
How are you doing? Any luck. 🙏 I hope your BFN turned to a BFP
Not yet unfortunately 😪