So we had our BFP yesterday using a first response (where you can test 6 day early) I'm really worried that because it was a faint line and I'm not feeling any symptoms that it may not be going well. Did anyone have similar and still have their take home baby at the end? I'm worried sick and I'm sure that can't be helping.x 😔
BFP but faint line and no symptoms.. ... - Fertility Network UK
BFP but faint line and no symptoms.. please help!

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Congrats hun! We have just had a BFP and lines look the same. Also haven't really had any symptoms but reading online this is normal. 🤞🤞 for us both all will be ok. I just keep trying to tell myself "today I am pregnant"and take it a day at a time xx
Thanks you, I keep trying to tell myself this but I'm not convincing myself. The tests from my clinic ain't great so I brought this one but on my clinic tests they are really faint. Agghhhh why is it so stressful.x
Definitely positive. I had feint positive 13dpt5dt. Only got stronger as the week went on x
Definitely a positive congratulations I think it’s still really early days so really common not to have symptoms xx
So many things affect the line and hcg varies so much at the start so at this stage a line is a line! In one if my cycles i took frer 12 hours apart and difference in line was amazing as with one test id drank loads and with other I was a little dehydrated. So congrats!! Symptoms also vary wildly so don't worry about those. I know it's hard to relax but try and enjoy having a BFP. Wishing you the very best xx