Wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience to me? Got fast tracked to Ivf icsi because OH signed up to be a sperm donor and they found anti-sperm antibodies. At the time we were hoping to delay starting our own family for a couple of years as assumed we would not have any difficulties and we weren’t ready. We went through the nhs, aged 35 at the time, qualified for one fresh cycle, but didn’t have to wait the initial year of TTC. All my blood tests and follicle scans came back normal for my age.
So far had 4 embryos put back, 2 fresh, 2 frozen , all failed.
2 years later, seriously regretting not trying naturally for long enough. As now approaching 37 which I’m told is not great for Ivf. I feel like all these months of treatment have taken up so much time and being on the gonapeptyl stopped my periods for ages each time meaning less months of TTC in between cycles. Also I feel like they assume that the antibodies are the only factor but I’ve never had any other tests like , I don’t know if I ovulate probably at the right time each month or if I have any immune probs. Should I pay private to get any extra tests done?
Also I read on the British fertility society fact sheet that they don’t think that routine testing for anti-sperm antibodies has any value for Ivf... so does this mean it’s not important and we should be able to conceive naturally? Our consultant, however said the antibodies are significant and natural conception would be unlikely. He has 40% antibodies but above average for all the other parameters. OH thinks that our consultant thinks we were trying naturally for a year and assumes we were infertile, was probably only 9 months in reality but since then have been trying loads anyway.
I feel full of regret and like we went about it all wrong. Not given up on treatment yet. Hoping our consultant is doing what’s best for us but wonder if they just push Ivf too much but it’s not the only option? Feeling so miserable about my age as well. Crystal ball anyone??!!